|| 20 || kshaw • new horizons; pt.1

460 9 1

|| ship; kshaw (harry x jj)

|| warnings; descriptions of substance abuse

|| words; 3.4k

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Harry remembers the first time he had spoken to JJ, and finds it funny that he didn't then realise how much that interaction would change the course of his time at New Horizons.

It was the first day of him moving into his new room - tiny and eerily empty, with its disgustingly mint walls an hideous green carpet. All that was there when he moved in was a sad looking single bed with generic sheets, a wardrobe, a desk and a set of shitty wooden drawers. The same as every other room in the New Horizons tower block, all the way from the first to the seventh floor.

But room 401 was soon to be Harry's safe haven, no matter how bland it was, because he was finally free. After a final torturous morning spent with his sociopathic, narcissistic mother, who was only helping him unload his belongings from the boot of her shitbox of a car so that she could leave him in the dust as quickly as possible to unpack his entire life from those tattered and stained cardboard boxes.

He was free.

And it felt so beautiful.

He'd spent the whole day in his room, headphones full blast, door locked, slowly and meticulously shifting his things from boxes into what would become their new forever homes.

And just as he's at long last finished that final box, and is about to spark his only pre-rolled joint while dangling precariously through his open window, ready to finally just unwind for the remainder of the day, there's a loud knock at his door.

He sighs, trying to ignore the banging, but whoever's at his door is persistent. So reluctantly, Harry jumps down from his window ledge, and answered the door.

Nothing could have prepared him for how scary it would be, opening his door to find a man who was easily a foot taller than him looming in his doorway, sporting a pristine black tracksuit, and crisp white trainers of some expensive brand or another.

He's got a gorgeous dark complexion, and a messy head of black dreads with dark red tips. Incredible bone structure. Full lips. Mesmerising, almost black eyes. A small stretch of peach fuzz lines his strong jawline, and a few stray hairs clinging to his top lip too. He looks a little built too, underneath the slightly oversized black tracksuit. Yep, he definitely works out.

And he's tall.

And holy fuck, this man has huge hands-

See, Harry's usually one to be considered a bisexual disaster, but he swears that he's about to have a full on gay crisis over this incredibly handsome (but also wildly intimidating) man in his doorway.

"Ah fuckin' hell, I heard someone new had moved into Zee's room, but I didn't think it was really true," The man says, his voice dripping heavily with the accent and dialect of a true chav.

"Yep, hi, that's me," Harry had responded, nervously. "I'm Harry."

"I'm JJ, mind if I come in?" The taller had said, not waiting for a response before walking straight past Harry and into his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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