|| 10 || kshaw • tolerance

2.5K 29 8

|| ship; kshaw

|| warnings; homophobia, homophobic slurs

|| words; 1.5k

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"It's nice here, isn't it?" Smiles JJ, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Yeah. I wouldn't mind coming here again," I tell him, taking another sip of my coffee, and leaning into his side.

We're having a date at a little coffee shop JJ found, and it actually is really nice here. Kind of retro, with booths, which of course JJ wanted to sit at. We started out sitting opposite each other, but he couldn't keep away. Now we're cuddled up together on the same bench, drinking coffee. Savouring the moment, relaxing.

"If it's with you, I'll go anywhere," JJ says, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I giggle, and push his face away playfully.

"You're so cheesy, Jide," I tell him, and he just grins at me.

"You know you love me," he smirks, leaning in to capture my lips in a soft kiss.

"I might do," I say, between short kisses. I can feel his smile against my lips, and that's honestly my favourite thing.

Slowly, he moves away from my lips, and along my jaw, pressing small, open mouthed kisses to my skin. I sigh, and relax against the feeling, closing my eyes as he makes his way down my neck, trailing lips, tongue and teeth lightly across sensitive skin.

Anywhere he touches me, I feel for hours after. And I love it. The fact that even though we've been dating for nearly a year, this feeling hasn't worn off. I don't think it ever will.

I let my eyes open, glancing down at where he's working. He always treats me well.

But then, I get distracted by something.

When I glance across the room, I notice a couple of kids looking our way, each of them only about sixteen, talking to each other in low voices, and looking a little angry. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it makes me uncomfortable.

"JJ, stop," I murmur, pushing his shoulder gently to try and get him away from me a little. He looks up, but doesn't stop kissing my neck softly.

"What's up?" He asks quietly, eyes locking with mine. I have to look away.

"Some kids are staring at us," I tell him, choosing to look out of the window, so I don't have to see JJ's disappointment, or those kids. He sighs, and pulls away from me, resting his hand on my knee.

"They aren't gonna try anything babe, relax. You're safe with me," JJ tries to assure me. I want to believe him. But I can't.

We manage to finish our coffee in peace, and I'm able to relax a little, even though those lads keep shooting us dirty looks, and muttering to one another. JJ's right though. I don't expect they'll actually come up to us, let alone say anything outright. It's busy in here, and they probably won't want to make a scene over something so stupid.

At least, that's what I hoped.

JJ's about to get up to pay, and I've nearly forgotten about them. So I think nothing of it when JJ wraps an arm around my waist, kissing me slowly, and deeply. I rest a hand on his bicep, leaning into him as I kiss back.

"Fucking stop that."

A cold voice, one I've never heard before speaks up, coming from that table of kids. JJ pulls away slowly, looking into my eyes, and I can see anger there. White fire. He presses a quick kiss to my cheek, and then turns to face their table.

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