|| 15 || kshaw • edit that out

2.6K 34 9

|| ship; kshaw

|| warnings; mentions of smut

|| words; 2.1k


all the times jj and harry showed affection on camera being released in a video titled 'edit that out', as the couple's way of coming out to their audience

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- 'Sidemen explore haunted tunnels' -

"JJ, I don't like it," Harry mumbles quietly, still clinging tightly onto his boyfriend's arm.

"Baby, it's fine, I promise," JJ assures him, pressing a quick kiss to his temple.

"It's not fine. It's cold, and damp, and dark, and spooky," Harry complains, shuddering a little as he speaks.

"Give me your hand," JJ says quietly, offering his palm to the anxious boy. Harry takes it hesitantly, and JJ places their linked hands in his hoodie pocket.

"See? We're fine. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you," JJ tells Harry softly.

"Thank you, JJ."


- 'How well do the Sidemen know each other?' -

"Hey, let me do it on an actual person this time, not a fucking piece of cardboard," JJ demands, glaring around at the others. "Harry, c'mere."

"What? Oh, hell no," Harry objects, taking a wide step away from JJ, clearly displeased at the idea of being used to showcase JJ's 'skill in bed'.

"Babe, please. You're the only one who can vouch for my skill," JJ says, giving Harry a pleading look.

"Actually, I'm interested to see this," Simon says, placing his hands on his hips.

"For fucks sake," Harry mumbles, not objecting this time as JJ approaches him.

"It's fine baby, relax," JJ says, in that quiet husky voice only Harry usually gets to hear. But now, all of their friends are there, watching and listening. Harry tries to relax when JJ hooks a forefinger under his chin, and draws him in a little closer. Closes his eyes and waits for the feeling of JJ's lips on his own.

It doesn't come. Just the feeling of JJ wrapping an arm around his waist to bring him closer, and the feeling of his breath ghosting Harry's lips. Harry tries to lean in an close the gap, but can't seem to find JJ's lips.

"JJ, please," Harry complains. He hears JJ chuckle lowly, before pressing a couple of short, quick kisses to Harry's lips. Harry though, growing tired of being teased, winds his fingers into JJ's hair, and drags him in for a long, messy kiss. Tongues tangled, maybe a hint too much teeth, but neither really care.

Eventually JJ pulls back, to let them both breathe.

"And that, lads, is how you get someone stubborn to want you," JJ says triumphantly, grinning widely.

"Piss off," Harry mumbles, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"You know you love me," JJ says, in that cocky voice Harry loves and hates so much.

"Not on camera though," Harry shoots back, stepping out of JJ's grip, and sticking his tongue out at the older man.

"Cold, babe. That's cold."


- 'Which of the Sidemen knows Harry the best?' -

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