|| r.up || kshaw • bliss

2.1K 20 5

{re-uploaded and edited from - [06] kshaw bliss}

|| ship; kshaw

|| warnings; smut. lots of smut

|| words; 3.4k

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Anyone who knows JJ and Harry, especially those who are unfortunate enough to live with them, know that they have a lot of sex. And that is not a statement to be taken lightly.

They've been caught by most of their friends at least once, and by their flatmates, a good few times. So much so, that it's considered odd within the group if you haven't seen Harry and JJ going at it. The Cal's and Simon are far more accustomed with seeing their friend's naked bodies intertwined in various places than they perhaps would like to be.

While sex may not be the absolute most important thing in their relationship, it is high up on the list. For both of them. JJ thinks it's key in some senses, as a way to be close with Harry, and help them release tension. To feel good. However they decide to go about it.

While JJ does love any chance he gets to have Harry naked on his sheets, there's a few particular favourite scenarios.

He thinks there's nothing compared to the sight of Harry when he wants it. The way he bites his lower lip, and looks up at JJ through long, almost feminine eyelashes. A brief moment of innocence, compared to what's to come. Because as soon as JJ sees that look, that damned look, he knows Harry's going to let him have it. Have him.

Ruin him, because no matter how they go about sex, slow and gentle are not words that often come up in the vocabulary they might use to describe it.

They never have been, really. Even since the start.

They'd been drunk their first time. On a night when they were staying away; a hotel in Greece. A lads holiday. JJ wishes he could have remembered it better. Because all he managed to maintain from that evening, was hazy memories of sweat, teeth and bare skin.

None of these exactly delicate things.

He could tell as much from the state of Harry the next morning that their night was far from a gentle and tame. Woke up before him, looking down to see Harry cuddled up with him.


With deep purple hickeys and bite marks littering what he could see of the younger's neck, collar bones, and chest. Ruffled hair, and slightly parted lips that were somehow still red and sore looking from how roughly they'd gone at it.

He remembers laying there, and admiring Harry as the sun came up. Ignoring the pounding headache and slight nausea his hangover had brought along. Ignoring it all, and just focusing on watching Harry's hair turn bright and shiny as it caught the early morning sun through the blinds that they must have forgotten to close the night before.

Forgotten, or just didn't care enough about it to think that far ahead.

It didn't take long for Harry to stir, and come to his senses. Panicking, because he couldn't remember what had happened, or how he ended up sore and covered in bruises, in bed with his best mate.

JJ managed to calm him down enough for them to talk it out. Confess their now undeniable feelings towards each other.

And give them time to have another round of sex.

Actually, that morning might be one of the only times they weren't rough.

It was slow, and careful, since JJ knew Harry was still incredibly sore from the night before. And because he was uncertain; wasn't pumped up on adrenaline and alcohol like the last time (or times, as JJ likes to think, because he's almost certain that they fucked more than once that night).

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