|| 02 || kshaw • camping

3.1K 36 8

|| ship; kshaw (harry x jj)

|| warnings; non-explicit smut

|| words; 3k

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I never thought I'd see the day where I was grateful for Josh dragging us all out on a month long camping trip for a video.

We were all reluctant about going to say the least. But Josh had already organised everything, so that we couldn't make excuses not to go.

After nearly a five hour drive, we arrived at the secluded campsite. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a beautiful location. We set up our tents in a huge field, and of course, we had to make a competition out of it.

I was paired up at random with Harry, Ethan with Josh, and Simon with Vikk and Tobi. Naturally, Tobi's team won, with Ethan and Josh being a close second, and Harry and I coming last. Neither of us have any experience camping properly, so were bound to fail from the get go.

After fifteen minutes of laughing, complaining and fighting with the small, two man tent, we managed to get it upright. Both of us were relieved, Harry so much so that he went inside and fell asleep nearly straight away. I could have done the same.

We've been out here for just over three weeks now, and it's honestly not as bad as I thought it would be. The first week was hard - trying to get into it. Tying to enjoy not ever getting enough sleep because lying on the uneven ground hurt my back, or the way the cold and damp seemed to seep into my bones in the mornings.

But now, it all seems a lot easier. Enjoyable almost. I can understand why people like doing it.

This holiday hasn't just been good for the scenery though.

While we've been away, I've sensed my bond with Harry strengthening significantly. I'm not sure if it's because we're in such close proximity every night, or whatever, but he's barely left my side. We've been doing everything together.

I've gained an appreciation for the way he looks that I don't think I ever really noticed before. It's like I'm only really seeing him for the first time now.

He looks effortlessly hot, whatever he wears, or does. And I don't understand it.

He could just be wearing his usual joggers and hoodie, and it drives me up the wall. I notice things now. Like when he gets excited, and throws his arms in the air, his hoodie rides up showing a small band of skin. When he bends over, the usually loose fabric of his joggers stretching, and showing off the curve of his ass.

I can't seem to stop looking at him. Whatever he's doing. And of course he doesn't notice. It's Harry, what did I expect.

At first, I thought I was noticing these things because were all so isolated from everything. There's nowhere private particularly, for me to go and... release tension. So I put my obsession with his looks down to me just being horny.

Simon noticed - of fucking course he did - and pulled me aside to talk about it. We came to the conclusion, that I just think Harry is hot. Nothing more. I don't want to be with him.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realised that was wrong.

I've had moments with him on this trip that have made my heart melt. Be it when we went swimming in the lake together under the starlight. Or when we stay up until three in the morning every other night, just talking about meaningless things together. Or when I woke up one particularly cold morning, and found that he came into my sleeping bag for warmth.

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