|| r.up || kshaw • camping

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{re-uploaded and edited from - [02] kshaw • camping}

|| ship; kshaw (harry x jj)

|| warnings; non-explicit smut

|| words; 4.7k

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JJ never thought he'd see the day where he was grateful for Josh dragging them all out into the 'wilderness' for a month long camping trip.

In fact, if someone had come from the future, and told him that he'd not only tolerated it, but it'd sparked plenty more camping trips that he had voluntarily went on, he woud have told them that they were out of their mind.

All of the boys were reluctant about going, to say the least. Nobody liked the idea of spending four weeks in the middle of nowhere; without luxuries, and the comfort of every day life. But Josh had already arranged everything, so that they couldn't back out, and couldn't make excuses not to go.

So, after a nearly five hour car journey, they arrived.
As much as JJ would have hated to admit it - the campsite was amazing. Secluded, and surrounded by thick woodland, which only took a five minute walk through to get to the beautiful, clear lake. A feature of the that JJ would remember very fondly indeed.

And finally, the centre of the site itself. A lush, flat green field where they would pitch their tents. Cropped grass, and the promise that no other campers would bother them during their stay.

Josh then declared that they'd be split randomly into teams. A moment that, again, defined the rest of the trip for JJ.

Because he got paired up with Harry.


"For fucks sake, JJ!" Harry laughs, somewhat breathlessly, as he struggles to hold up the smallish, two-man tent by himself. Since JJ has fallen over. Again.

"S'not my fault, man," huffs JJ, getting slowly to his feet, and grabbing onto his designated poles again. "It's fuckin' muddy."

"JJ, it's the middle of July," Harry says, cocking his head to the side, and barely hiding the smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth. "There is no mud."

"We're in a field, Harry, of course there's mud," JJ argues playfully.

"God, I knew putting you two together was a bad idea," calls Josh, from where he's sat in a camping chair, besides Ethan, and their already made tent. "There's about negative four brain cells between you."

"Could'a been worse. Could'a had JJ and Ethan together," Harry calls back, to which Josh laughs.

"Oi, shut up and build your bloody tent, Bog!" Shouts Ethan, folding his arms tightly over his chest, and seeming rather offended by the comment. JJ can't help but grin at this. Ethan's irritation has always been amusing to him.

"Jay, stop laughing, we need to get this done," Harry says, barely hiding a grin himself.

JJ can't help but think Harry looks quite beautiful like this. A very strange thought, especially as Harry is looking far from his best. Red faced from laughing, and the effort it's taken to put up this damn tent. Sweaty, the effect of putting effort into something physical in the late July heat, with his damp fringe plastered to his forehead. He probably smells God-awful too.

But JJ doesn't care. It's his smile that makes him look beautiful. A genuine one, not the faked ones often seen on camera. A smile you can see in his eyes.

Something rare. It makes JJ himself want to smile even more, just from seeing it.

"'Course mate," JJ responds, almost automatically to Harry's statement. Because he's caught up trying to do something else.

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