|| 09 || minishaw • dangerous love; final

1K 13 1

|| ship; minishaw

|| warnings; none

|| words; 1.8k

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[ two weeks later ]

"Hey, Harry?" Simon says, as the two of them sit together on a bench in the training hall, taking a break from working. Harry's been slowly working back up to standard, and seems to be recovering quickly, much to his, and Simon's relief. He found out after a couple of days of Harry being bed bound, that the younger boy is incredibly impatient, and quick to get bored. So it's good for him to be able to do things again.

"Mm?" Harry hums in response, while taking a sip of his water. Simon takes a minute to compose himself, trying to decide if what he's about to suggest is in fact an awful idea, or not. He decides after a moment of deliberation, that it's most definitely a bad idea. And Jide will be furious about it. But he reckons both he, and Harry need it.

"What do you say we go out tonight?" He says, looking carefully at Harry. The younger boy tilts his head to the side, and fidgets with the water bottle he now holds in his lap.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we go out. Just out, nowhere specific. It doesn't matter where really. And have fun, like normal people. Just for a night," Simon says,

"What really?" Harry asks, and Simon can't read the emotion behind his words.


"That sounds awesome!" Harry says ecstatically, jumping to his feet. "Tonight, yeah?"

"Yeah, tonight," Simon confirms, and Harry's eyes light up even more. It makes Simon's stomach flip to see his companion so happy.

"What time?"


Harry looks over at him with those angelic eyes, the ones Simon couldn't refuse even if he wanted to. "Can we go now?" He asks, and Simon huffs out a happy sigh.

"I don't see why not. Let's live a little. Be free, just for a night."

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Simon doesn't think he's left the facility just for the sake of it since he's been there. There's no rule against leaving whenever he wants, but he's just never felt the need to go out, other than for jobs. Better to keep himself away, it lowers the risk of being found by enemies, or the police. He's a little nervous about it, since he won't be able to take his katana if he's trying to blend in. Going out unarmed is something that scares him a lot.

"Hey, Si!" Harry calls, jogging up to where Simon is stood by the main exit. And Simon's breath catches in his throat when he sees Harry.

He's only ever seen the younger boy in the clothes he trains in, snug fitting black joggers, flat shoes, and loose grey tops. But somehow, he's got other, casual clothes on. Simon has no idea when or where Harry managed to get his hands on them, but ignores that thought.

Just admires Harry. Wearing a pair of loose, grey shorts, to hide the bandage that's still around his thigh. A white T-shirt, and a bright teal hoodie tied around his petite waist. White trainers, a dangerous choice for a man who spends half his time scuffing his shoes on the ground, and a pair of white socks with coloured bands around the ankles. To complete the look, a pair of Ray Bans, that Simon's pretty sure he's stolen from JJ.

It's something casual, that anyone would wear. But Simon thinks Harry looks easily a hundred times better wearing it than anyone else could.

"You ready to go out for a night, and forget about everything?" Harry grins, pulling Simon from his thoughts as he hooks an arm around his shoulders.

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