|| 11 || kshaw • company

2.1K 30 4

|| ship; kshaw

|| warnings; themes of mental health throughout, and an anxiety attack

|| words; 2.3k

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It's been a peaceful day so far. I've been working on video ideas, and editing mostly. Harry came over early this morning, and has just been sat in my room with me, as he usually is, since then. I like having him here, it's nice to know that someone else is there too. Company, even if he isn't talking.

I take a moment to lean back in my chair, taking off my headset, and stretching my arms over my head. I've been in the same spot for a while now, and my body is beginning to ache a little. Time for a break, I suppose.

I slide my phone out of my pocket, and take a brief look over my lock screen. Notifications for Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, all of that usual stuff. But there's something that stands out to me. A missed call. From Freezy. And it's only from a minute ago. Just as I'm about to call him back, my phone suddenly starts ringing. I sigh, and pick up the phone.

"JJ, shit, finally," Cal rambles as soon as I lift the device to my ear, sounding out of breath, and quite frankly, scared.

"Yo, calm down man. What's up?" I say. He takes a shaky breath.

"Lux and I went out earlier. We, well, we left Harry, alone, and now we can't find him. He won't answer his phone, I- I'm worried, man. Any idea where he could be?" Cal says, all a jumble of words from how fast he's speaking. But this information just confuses me. I swivel around in my gaming chair, to face my bed, seeing Harry still sat there. Eyes fixed on his phone, curled up neatly by the headboard.

I've got so many questions.

"Umm, he's with me," I say slowly, and hear Cal make a noise of confusion.

"What do you mean he's with you?" He asks.

"I mean, he's at mine. Sat right here, on my bed actually," I inform him. Harry seems to have noticed that I'm talking about him now, looking at me with slightly wide eyes.

"Oh," Cal says simply. "Can I speak to him?"

"Sure man, you can speak to him," I say, only to be met with Harry shaking his head frantically. I raise a brow, but he doesn't explain anything further. Just looks at me, frozen, seeming scared. "Wait, Cal, he says not now. I'll get him to text in a bit though, yeah?"

"Um, alright. As long as he's okay I guess," Cal says, seeming quite disgruntled that Harry doesn't want to speak to him.

"He's fine. Listen man, I'm gonna hang up now. I'll talk to you later," I say, and hear Cal huff.

"Whatever, yeah," he says, and then the line goes dead. I pocket my phone, and glance back up at Harry. He's looking intently at his hands in his lap, sitting stock still, opposed to his usual fidgeting.

"Harry? How come you didn't answer Cal when he called?" I ask, wheeling my chair a little closer to the bed. He still refuses to look up at me.

"I, um, I couldn't," he says in a small voice, now beginning to play with a thread on the seam of his joggers. I find that I don't quite follow.

"Is your phone broken or something?" I question him, and he shakes his head.

"No. I wanted to answer it, I really did. But I didn't want to interrupt you working, and I didn't know why he was calling me, so I guess I thought he was mad at me, or something stupid like that. And I just panicked, I guess, and couldn't answer it. It's stupid, I know, I'll try better next time-"

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