|| 19 || kshaw • open your eyes

2.9K 41 11

|| ship; kshaw

|| warnings; none

|| words; 5.2k

|| requested by; lukac91

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1; Tobi

To say that Harry and JJ have been acting strangely around each other, would have been the understatement of the century, in Tobi's very educated opinion.

Take right now, for instance.

A moment that may easily be overlooked by someone who didn't know the boys in question.

They're doing a shoot for a second channel video, having just finished this week's main channel one. All of them sitting together, huddled on Simon and JJ's huge sofa, and playing a game of pictionary.

Josh is drawing, and really, Tobi should be paying attention to that, but he's got caught up watching Harry and JJ. This interaction between them, especially, is intriguing to him.

He watches as they sit, closer than needed to each other. Harry cross legged, directly facing JJ, with his shins pressed against the elders knees.

Both of them focusing intently on a thumb war that JJ had instigated.

JJ seems to be winning, but doesn't look like he's really going all out. Neither of them are; both seem to be play-fighting and enjoying the contact with each other, rather than trying to win the game.

Tobi watches them slowly get closer to each other, seemingly unconsciously as they continue, keeping to themselves so they don't disrupt the video too much.

But then, JJ takes the hand that isn't part of their thumb war, and jolts forwards to attack Harry's side with his fingers. Causing the younger to collapse over laughing, trying desperately to wriggle away from JJ's touch.

"JJ, JJ, stop it," he laughs loudly, but JJ just grins widely and continues.

Manages to take control of the thumb war too, in the chaos he's created.

"Aha!" He exclaims, having trapped Harry's thumb under his own. "One! Two! Three! I win!" Harry finally manages to yank his hand from inside JJ's, and shoves the elder playfully.

"You're a bloody cheater, Olajide Olatunji," Harry accuses, his eyes shining playfully.

"Oh? A cheater am I? Come here, ya bastard," JJ laughs, before reaching out with both hands this time to tickle Harry relentlessly.

"JJ! Stop, stop, I didn't mean it," Harry laughs, trying to grab JJ's hands; to no avail.

After a minute or two, JJ does relent, grinning breathlessly at the younger boy across from him. Hands resting on Harry's knees, but neither of them seem to really notice.

They're too busy sharing a look, one that Tobi understands all too well.

He recognises it all too well. The look of someone who's absolutely lovesick.

And he doesn't think that either of them have noticed themselves yet.

Smiles to himself, bemused by how oblivious his friends are.

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2; Vikk

"Hey, uhh, guys? Can I talk to you about something?"

It's the end of yet another MoreSidemen shoot at JJ and Simon's apartment, and just as the boys are all helping the crew to pack up, Harry drops the question.

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