Chapter 18
Dani's POV
We got home at about 1 o’clock. They guys went to there apartment and we went to ours. We unpacked ever thing and I walked to Rose’s room.
“Hey what you want to do today?” I asked
“I was thinking we could go to the store, get a few pack of balloons and some paint and darts. Then come back home and put a huge piece of paper out in the parking lot tape the balloons on there and throw the darts and have a good time.” She said with a huge smile
“Sounds good to me, Oh and while we are doing it I have to talk to you about something.”
“Okay let’s get the stuff.” She said
We got up and went to the store and got everything we needed. When we got back home we went and changed in to shorts and tank tops then walked to the parking lot and got everything set up.
As we started setting up I realized the guys were outside working on Saxon’s car. Ryan looked up and saw Rose.
“Hey baby what are you two doing?” He yelled
“Something.” She smiled
He shook his head and got back to helping with the car. We got all the balloons on the paper and stepped back.
“Okay are you ready?” Rose asked
“Hell yeah let’s get to doing this.” I said grabbing my darts
As we started throwing darts a group of guys walked by and started whistling at us.
“Hey cuties what’s popping?” one of the guys asked
“Balloons what does it look like is popping.” I said, Rose started giggling
“Would you two like to hang with us?” one asked walking over to me, he had blond hair
I looked past them and saw Ryan, Saxon, and Jax glaring at the guys, and I started laughing
“What’s funny babe?” another asked
“Call me babe one more time and I will be playing darts with your face.” I said glaring at him
“Don’t need to get so mean sugar.” The black haired of the group said walking to Rose
“I have a boy friend and brother that will kick your ass if you don’t walk away now.” she smirked
“Hey we are just trying to have some fun.” blond guy said
“Well you have come to the wrong place because we are having a blast with out you all.” I said
“Fine we will just have to go find fun somewhere else.” Black hair said walking away.
“Okay back to what we were doing before they rudely interrupted us.” I said walking up and pulling my darts out.
“Yeah, so what did you want to talk to me about?” she asked
“Okay so you remember how a few weeks ago I was really upset about something?” I said throwing a dart
“Yeah believe me I remember.” I smirked
“Well that is because I found out two people I like have feeling for me also.”
“And who are these people?” she asked with a smile
“Well one of them is Saxon.” I stated
“Really! Who is the other one?” she asked with a huge smile on her face, I took a deep breath

Ficção AdolescenteDani and Rose ,two best friends move into an apartment together.New loves are discovered, fights are had,pranks are pulled, secrets revealed.There is no telling what will go down in this house. Read to find out!