Chapter 7
Dani's POV
“OH MY GOD, I hate studying.” I said out loud.
Rose was not here because she went some were to meet some friend. I was stuck at home by my self studying for my English and history exam, my worst two subject, so Rose told me I had to study.
So here I’m bored out my mind. I understand I need to pass these exams but really, I am way too bored to even study right now. I got up to turn the radio on hoping it would help me concentrate better. Once I turned it on I set back down and tried again.
It was going better than before, that was in tell don’t want this night to end came on. I jumped up on my bed dancing and singing to the song.
“You got your hand up, your rocking in my truck, you got the radio on, you’re singing every son, I’m set on cruise control, I’m slowly losing hold, of everything I got, your looking so damn hot, and I don’t know what road we’re on, or were we’ve been, from staring at you girl, all I no is I don’t want this night to end…” I sang the whole song.
After the song finished I got my things and walked to the living room. I put my books on the floor in front of the chair, and then went to the kitchen. I got me a mountain dew and some hot fries and walked back to the living room and set on the chair. I turned the TV on and watch law and order tell I finished my fries. After that I started to try and study again.
About thirty minutes in to studying I got bored so I tried to find ways to entertain my self. Some how I ended up backwards in the chair with my head hanging off with my pen on my nose and me trying to balance it. I did this for about twenty minutes when an idea popped in my head
“I wonder what the guys are doing. Well guess I should go find out.” I said getting up and putting my flip flops on.
After I got my shoes on I grabbed my keys and started walking do the stairs. When I got to there apartment I walk right in with out knocking like I owned the place. I didn’t hear them at first tell after I shut the door.
“Hell yeah lets go Duke get that touch down.” Saxon yelled.
“Fuck yes, kick there ass Duke.” Jax yelled after Saxon.
This is what they have been doing while I was dying of boredom. I thought.
I started walking in to the living room and looked around. Saxon was on one end of the couch while Jax was on the other. I walked up behind the couch as silently as I could and poked my head up. They were still watching the game.
Do they really not see or hear me? I thought to my self.
“Come on let’s go.” They both yelled, wow they were really in this game.
After they settled down I crept as close to the couch as I could and jumped in between them. Once I landed I laid my head in Jax’s lap and I put my feet in Saxon’s.
“Hmmmm.” I said, they didn’t even look away from the TV
“Hmmmmmmmmmm.” I tried again, it still didn’t work.
“What?” Saxon said not looking away from the TV.
“I’m bored.” I stated
“Okay what do you want us to do about it?” Saxon asked
“Play with me duh.” They both laughed
“You perverts you know what I mean. Let’s find something to do.”
“Like what?” Jax said

Fiksi RemajaDani and Rose ,two best friends move into an apartment together.New loves are discovered, fights are had,pranks are pulled, secrets revealed.There is no telling what will go down in this house. Read to find out!