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Ahmed and I have a movie marathon on the day of Christmas. It wasn't planned, trust me. It just happened and honestly, I don't regret anything.

We'd spent most of the day in our rooms, only seeing ourselves when we had to pray and talk about what we were going to eat. After Isha, we started talking about our favourite movie genres and just like our books, Ahmed and I found out we're also genres apart when it came to movies. While I lean towards more of rom-coms and light-hearted stuff, Ahmed is into thrillers and horror. Investigative and detective movies end up being our middle ground.

He suggested we have a movie marathon and it was impossible to say no. Not like I tried or anything. Just know that it was impossible to say no.

We got blankets, pillows, snacks, and drinks, and then we stayed on both ends of the living room; ensuring we kept as much distance as possible between us. I've come to realize I don't mind the distance (no matter how big or small it is) when it comes to Ahmed. Him being in the same space is enough for me.

I know my heart is threading dangerous waters these days but come on. It's Ahmed Shehu! He proves day and day again that he's one of the best men and honestly, after our dinner at Mai Shayi, there's been a little shift. We've taken a step further in whatever path we're on right now and while I'm not a hundred per cent sure he's aware of the change, I'm very aware of it. As usual, I don't mind it.

Ahmed picks out the best movies for us to watch and we start with the serious ones before we move to much lighter ones. We share views as we watch and I never knew a part of me always wanted something like this. That part of me heals and I don't think Ahmed is going to know how grateful I am. I'm grateful for everything.

I don't know when it happens but I fall asleep along the line. My phone vibrating wakes me up and the brightness of the TV momentarily blinds me. Once my eyes adjust, I look away from the end credits of a movie I don't know to the other side of the living room. Ahmed's sleeping too and...Oh mon Dieu, il est encore plus beau quand il dort (Oh my God, he is even more beautiful when he's asleep).

I stop my phone's vibrations, glad it's just an alarm and not a call, and then I quietly gather my stuff and slip out of the living room once I turn the TV off. The plan was to use the restroom, make wudhoo and then go back to wake him up so he can pray Tahajjud. By the time I step out, he's already awake and he's on his way up. He gives me a sleepy smile. "Bonjour, Suraiya."

The butterfly in my stomach, please have mercy. It's too early. "Bonjour."

"We're definitely going back to bed after Fajr."

I don't why but I laugh a little. It sounds nice to my own ears. "I wouldn't even dream of doing anything else."

Tahajjud is a blur and so is Fajr. We don't recite much because we can barely keep our eyes open. We tell each other goodnight although it's morning and we head to our rooms. I sleep until noon and by the time I can bring myself out of my room, I meet crĕpes sucrées in the kitchen alongside fruits, a bit of strawberry sauce and a note from Ahmed.

'I hope these are good enough because I made them while barely keeping my eyes open. I'll see you during Zuhr. Also, Jane said she's coming after Asr. She's quite excited and well, I can't stop her.

We're going back to sleep after Zuhr too, Suraiya. Now, let me leave you to eat. There's coffee in the pot so just heat it up.


I told you. He's one of the best men. The crepes are delicious and the coffee's perfect. Ahmed's still half-asleep by the time we finish praying Zuhr and I can't help but laugh. "Are you that tired?"

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