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Vakkaru Resort, Baa Atoll, Maldives.

She walked as quickly as her little legs could carry her, a little coconut held tightly to her chest. A few feet behind, their family's guide – Akilah – followed with a warm smile on her face.

The little girl broke off the resort's main path, onto the sand path that led to the family villa. Like she'd been doing since they arrived, she admired the tall trees on both sides. Her two braids swayed with the movement of her head from left to right and so did her skirt.

She reached the front porch and easily pushed one of the double doors open, heading in. Glad the little girl had arrived safely, Akilah turned around and headed back to her workstation.

Inside the villa, Baryra removed her sandals and went straight to the bedroom her parents occupied. Ahmed and Suraiya stopped laughing when she walked in and like always, they smiled warmly.

Baryra smiled back, closing the door before she hurried over to the bed. She held out her hands. "I got a coconut!"

Ahmed's gasp deserved an Oscar Award for how perfectly surprised it sounded. He easily picked her off the ground, putting her between him and his wife. "That's a cute coconut, sweetheart, just like you."

Suraiya's smile was way softer as she reached out to pat her daughter's head. "It's lovely, Baryra. You found it on your own?"

Baryra excitedly nodded. "I did! Aunt Akilah helped me dust it. She said I shouldn't get my hands dirty! Baba, please can we eat it? Please, please, please."

Ahmed, who was well aware of the fact that the coconut was no way edible as it wasn't fully developed, nodded and took the coconut from her. "I'll send it to the kitchen." He was going to call to place an order for a dish made with actual ripe coconut. "We'll have it with dinner later."

"Yes!" She pushed herself to her knees and threw her arms around him, screaming happily when he fell back on the soft mattress with her. "I love you, Baba!"

Ahmed laughed heartily. "I love you too."

Resting her head against her father's chest, Baryra turned to her mother. Her smile was shy. "I love you too, Ummi."

Suraiya had to laugh. "I love you too."

Baryra's attention moved to the bassinet in a corner that swayed gently from side to side. She scrambled off her father and off the bed, heading straight there. Both her parents watched as she pulled a chair closer and climbed it to get a good view.

Her baby brother slept soundly, his hands in little fists by his head. He was a few shades darker than she was and while she was exactly Suraiya, he was exactly Ahmed. She smiled and reached out to pat his head full of curls he got from Suraiya.

"Hi, Ayman." She said softly. "It's Baryra."

At the back of the villa, Nurudeen swam with Adeelah and Yarah while Teslimah strolled down the shore with Abdussalam Mai-Borno, Jameelah and Luqman's son. On another side of the beach, Yazan rolled his eyes and went after Beyah-Aman who was throwing her usual tantrum; a tactic she used to get what she wanted from him. All around the resort, every member of their big family did one thing or the other.

Back in the villa, Ahmed and Suraiya moved from the bed and walked over to stand on both sides of their daughter. She looked at them with a wide smile on her face. "I love him. I love him most and I will fight with Adeelah if she tries to argue with me again."

Suraiya and Ahmed laughed; they couldn't help it. Five minutes later, she was rushing out of the backdoor in a pair of swimming shorts and a shirt to join the others. With a smile on her face, Suraiya turned back to Ahmed and allowed him pull her close, his lips finding hers a moment later.

Ils allaient toujours bien. They were going to be fine. She was sure of it.


And no, there's no bonus chapter. I really tried to write one but I just couldn't. There wasn't anything else to say.

I hope you enjoyed Ahmed and Suraiya's story. I can now ask you for comments on how it was. I did promise this was going to be a majorly light hearted story and I hope I didn't disappoint.

Like I said at the start, those of you who want me to write something for Yazan and Beyah, please provide your arguments. Let me see if you are convincing enough. For now, please don't get your hopes up but if one of you can convince me....

Anyways, I'm beat so, see ya! Please vote (I hope you have been voting), comment and share. Ciao!

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