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Today's Tuesday, October 24th. It's currently past Zuhr and I'm the only one home. Ahmed's at work and he isn't meant to be back until late while the kids are in school from where they'll go for Islamiyya before coming back home.

Between the day we returned from the Maldives and today, a lot has happened and there's something I've had no choice but notice too.

One, I've fully moved upstairs now and what used to be my room is now back to being the guest room. What used to be just Ahmed's room is now ours and there's more colour (all thanks to me) which Ahmed is still getting used to. He loves me too much to say anything and yes, I abuse that privilege very, very well. I still change little things around the house and they – Ahmed and the kids – know better than to not appreciate it.

Two, being Mrs Ahmed Shehu is actually very, very nice. Ahmed had his company's PR team confirm the news and then we got started on updating records and documents with my name right beside his. I got insurance too and it's really nice. Then there's the fact that Ahmed and his family members do go out of their way (a lot) to "spoil me rotten" because I "deserve it". Let's not forget about the Kai Amarya we ended up having and the little reception the family held in our honour in Katsina.

Three, Asiyah and Mas'ood are married (their wedding was an epic experience) and so are Mahmud and Hauwa (their wedding has to be the best I've attended; intimate, low-key, funny, and classy). Asiyah and Mas'ood are back from their honeymoon in Barbados while Mahmud and Hauwa are due back at any time. They went for Umrah first before moving to a resort one wouldn't believe is in Ghana. Africa really needs to be explored.

Four, my family and I are in a place I can't name. On one hand, my siblings and I are really getting to know each other and it's amazing how we share a lot of similarities. Without the burdens of the expectations we're meant to live up to, we're all cool people and Hamoud's a clown who is nervous about his upcoming wedding. There isn't a fixed date yet but it's certainly going to be in December. It's going to be a big wedding and well, I'm still not sure about attendance.

On the other hand, my aunts, cousins, and uncles who used to call me names and look down on me are now endlessly trying to be my friend and it's very, very weird. I ignore them more than half the time but there's only so much one can do. They try to get in touch with Ahmed too and well, my husband really doesn't have time.

My parents...We don't talk so much. Dad calls once in a very blue moon and Mum...Let's just say she still thinks she can tell me how things should go. There isn't much she can hold over my head now and I don't think she likes that very much. I don't read deep into the messages she sends and when she does call, I tune out most of her rambles. It's better that way. I'm standing up for myself too and it makes me feel good. It makes Ahmed proud too.

Lastly...I think I might be pregnant. And no, I didn't stutter. I really think I might be pregnant right now and I've been doing my possible best to not freak out.

Four days ago, I finally realised my period has been no-show since July; the week Ahmed came back from his trip and we had that talk in the kitchen that ended up redefining our relationship.

In the past four days I've tried to come up with excuses but there's no one excuse that can actually stand to be true. I told myself that I missed my period in August because of the contraceptive shot. The nurse did say it could mess with the period cycle. For September, I tell myself it was the stress of settling in and then the craze of the two weddings. For October...Let's just say I don't have an excuse for October and as the month is coming to an end, I definitely can't come up with an excuse in advance for November.

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