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The full body massage I'm getting right now with carefully selected oils that scent so heavenly is the best I've ever had and just like I plan on doing for so many other facilities on the resort, I'll be leaving a very nice review for the Merana Spa. They deserve it; they deserve every nice word.

It's the eleventh day of our – Ahmed and I – honeymoon and I'm glad we still have as many as eight days and nine nights left to stay here because God knows I am not ready to leave this place. I'm sure, in advance, that by the time we really have to leave I still won't be ready to do so. I really like it here and I don't think anyone can blame me.

In the past five days (four and a half actually because we're currently between Zuhr and Asr), Ahmed and I have done a lot. We've played lawn tennis with people we'll probably never meet again, we've watched a friendly football game, I have watched him play basketball with the other men on the resort (I ogled, of course), we've done yoga, we've sampled dishes from every restaurant and also drinks from the bar, and we've gone diving (twice!).

Away from every prying eye, in the privacy of the villa, we've done a lot too; kissing, cuddling and a little more than we've ever done before. There's been a lot of more skin too. Everything that has happened so far has taught me two things. One is that Ahmed Shehu has very strong self-discipline and I need a tip or two from him because mine is ready to jump out the window. Two is that Ahmed Shehu can be very, very, very irresistible and that there's no need for me to wait any longer for us pour consommer notre marriage (consummate our marriage), even though I'm still nervous and a little frightened about everything. He's been really patient and...He really deserves the whole world, which I plan on giving him at every given opportunity.

That is why today's activities are lined up the way they are, with me calling the shots and him giving in to everything because he picked out yesterday's activities and in his words (not mine), it's only fair that I pick out what we should do today. Here we are.

We spent most of this morning in the reading area of the villa. I'm on my third book (Love, Theoretically) and Ahmed has finally finished The Love Hypothesis. He hasn't started a second book though because he "can't choose between the options available". We'll deal with that later. After Zuhr, we came down to the spa and ended up in two different rooms. It's not like we wouldn't love the couple spa sessions the resort offers, it's just that there's a lot involved.

Ahmed had to get a male spa team and there was no way I was going to be half naked, under a soft blanket, in a room with men we are not related to in anyway. The same way he wasn't going to be half naked, under a soft blanket, in a room with women we aren't related to. When we explained it to the spa staff, they understood and they were nothing short of nice as they got different rooms ready for us, promising to give us the best experience. So far, they haven't disappointed me and I hope they haven't disappointed Ahmed too.

"All done, Mrs Shehu."

"Non..." It comes out as a long whine, muffled by my face in the soft pillow they provided. I sigh and turn my head to look at the masseuse who's smiling warmly at me. "Can't I get another one?"

"That was your third massage and you told me to say no if you ask for another one."

I did. I really did. She's really good but still...I sigh again. "True. Your hands are really nice."

"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Would you like to stay here for a minute longer?"

I nod. I really don't want to get off this massage bed yet. "Yes please."

"Very well then. I'll be right outside if you need anything."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Mrs Ahmed ShehuWhere stories live. Discover now