Thank You

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Honestly, I don't even know where to start from...This still feels very, very surreal. The fact that I'm done with this series is very, very surreal.

Thank you, Lea. Let's start with you. Thank you for being a part of me that never gave up, even when every other part was screaming at us to do so. Thank you for holding on tight and weaving a story together, ensuring no detail was left out to the best of your ability. Let's meet again after the short break we're about to take, okay?

Thank you, dear gentle reader, for letting Ahmed and Suraiya's story into your heart. It means the world to me and I hope you loved each word you read as much as I loved writing them. I really hope you did.

Mardheeyah Mukhtar...You deserve your own paragraph because you're the main reason why this book exists today. You simply said you wanted a visualisation of Ahmed and Suraiya's story and what started as a joke with a cover turned into this. So, although I whined about how much I didn't want to write one more book in the Dantata series, thank you for motivating me to write this.

Maimuna (Munah_h)...You know I have to thank you too, for making time out of your busy med-school schedule just to go through housing options with me and pick out the most random things from who Suraiya and Ahmed should be down to the house they should move into. It means the world to me.

Sumayah, Nana, Nina, Nana Hauwa, Aisha Mustapha and Sofiyah (Laliyah), y'all are the real MVPs because you've stuck with me from day one. We all literally birthed this series and God, I can never thank you guys enough. Fae, you too. I am so honoured to have known you all and I am praying earnestly that we stay friends and good pals moving forward. Hamdeeyah, I'm not forgetting you either. Thank you.

They'll never see this, but Canva! Thank you for always saving my life and giving the platform that brings my crazy ideas to life in the shape and format of book covers that I never fail to love.

To you, the reader, here's another thank you. Thank you for allowing me tell you stories. I'm honoured and I hope when my writing's break is over, we meet again.

Until then, love and Duas,

Latifah A.

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