Where am i?

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(Know ones Pov)

It was a nice day today but something was very different about today, their were some strange noises coming.

There was a guy passed out under the tree and then he slowly woke up and groan as he starts to hit up,

he then looks sat his hands and his clothes and then he said "Where am I? What am i wearing?" An then

he heard a new voice coming "Ruby, you go it?" It was a female voice and then another voice said as he saw a red rose look a like,

passed by him and then the rose thing transformed into a girl and she chopped off the monsters

head off and then she said "Got it. Uh, why does it look like that?" As the monster turns I to dust now.

A girl with blonde hair was shooting at the monsters and then the guy asked her "What are they?"

And then the blonde girl said to him "Grim!" She said as she ran towards the monster an

shooting at them as well.

(Clark's Pov)

As the strange blonde girl fights off the strange monster called Grim and then "are you okay? Anything hurt?" The girl with black and red hair asked me.

And then we saw a laser go by us and then the blonde girl said "Since when can Grim shoot laser beams?"

And then the red and black haired girl pulled something out an connected to her scythe and then

she said "Be right back new kid." She ran after where the blonde girl and the monster is

"I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore." I said to myself and then the girl with a scythe, the scythe turned

I to a gun and then she shot one of the monsters in the eye and then it shoot her a laser an the blonde girl

grabbed her and moved her away before she could get hurt, and she said "welp, that didn't work." And then I got up and then

I said "I'll take care of this." And then I got ready to fly, as I leaped up to fly but I didn't fly

I just did a small jump and then i was confused why my powers weren't working that well.

An then I was hit by a Grim's tail and I got send back and I grunted as I start to sit up and then

the girl with black and red hair asked me "Uh.... Are you all right?" I then sat down an looked at her and

said "I'm usually much stronger than this." And then the blonde girl said "They're heading for Beacon!"

And then she starts to shot at them again and then I got up my feet and then I said confused

"Beacon?" And then the black and red haired girl said "It's out school. Or... it was?" And then she turned

to look at me and then asked me something "Uh... what's your semblance?" I then looked

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