Am i dead?!

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(Jessica's Pov)

I had my eyes close an i headed Jaune say to me while trying to hold the walls open for us so we don't die

"I know you can get us out of this, Jessica!" An ofc i es on the floor trying to use my powers and then

i said to myself "You have to fight this. For them!" And then i saw a flash of memory from my world and then i said to myself "For myself!"

I snapped open my eyes and i finally got my powers to work and then i then got upand held out my hand

to Jaune and he grabbed it and then i turned to the wall and then lifted my hand out and said

"In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight! Let those who worship evils might, beware my power... GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!" I shouted as

I was floating the air and i finally used my powers to get us out of the room we were trapped in.

(Clark's Pov)

As I was fight off the Grimm's that were coming at me I laser them and then i said "Let's finish this fight first."

An the i heard some noise coming from behind me and then i saw three motorcycles flying off the

ledge and landed and Diana was on one and same with Blake and Yang has someone with them "Looks like you could use some help."

And then i Jets Ruby gasp an say "Weiss!" I saw her running towards Weiss and hugged her tight an Weiss said

"Im okay Ruby. It'll take more then a temporal displacement to keep me away from my team."

And then Ruby said "is that's what this is?" And then i saw Diana summon her lasso and then i asked her

"Where's Batman?" She scoffs at me and then said "let's take these guys down." And then we ran

into battle an fought all the Grimm's, until we saw some green that hit the flying Grimm's and then

i saw Jessica an I said "Lantern!" An She flys down to the fly round and says "We've been trying to get to you."

An I saw Jaune running towards Aveya an started to heal her up a bit and he said "None of this is real!"

And then Jessica finished saying "It's a virtual reality! " and then Cyborg says "i knew it!" An he fought off the

Grimm and then Ruby sliced a Grimm and said "So, who's doing it?" Ruby asked until we heard a voice and i knew who voice was that,

we all turned to look where the voice was coming from and then out eyes widen "I may have that answer."

It was Bruce that said that an then i said "Batman?" And then Jaune said "So much cooler than I thought."

Bruce smiles a bit and then comes flying down and i flew up to him and we both landed on the ground

and then he says "it's good to see everyone." And then i said to him "You have powers." I was surprised and shocked at the same

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