Just in time for the final battle

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-I'm so so so so sorry
guys for the long wait-

(Aveya's Pov)

As I was still fighting off the Grimm I saw the others having trouble with flash being possessed,

as I glitched to them I helps them fought Flash but he made a crystal shard and it cut my side and

I gasped and I punched him in the face as I got knocked out to the side, I groan and I covered up the cut

I have an then I heard Clark giving a speech to Ruby "Don't listen to him, Ruby. Leadership isn't about your age. It's about your heart."

And I groan as I got up from the ground and then I start to fly up an Clark continues to say

"You will fail. You will freeze. But that's what makes you alive." I saw everyone helping each

other and fighting together, as I summon my next weapon

other and fighting together, as I summon my next weapon

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I smirked an got to fighting off these Grimm's.

(Clark's Pov)

And then Bruce said "You don't have a way out of this world because whoever you worked with... they trapped you here." And then

I heard Ruby exclaims an then I heard Weiss "Clark is right." She hit Kilg%re and then she landed next to Ruby

an said "I'd follow you into any battle." An Bruce said "That's what you got wrong, Kilg%re." And he kicked

Kilg%re on his back an he said as he landed next to me "That's what you don't understand about humans.

We're stronger together. Whoever helped you tricked you into doing what they want."

I saw everyone was fighting an they were doing it together. An as Ruby an Weiss jumped up they

tried to hit Kilg%re but he summoned up something to make them both get hit and flew back a bit,

then Bruce hits him an distracted him as I came in an punched an he flew back and he was about

to summon something but he groans in pain as he held his head and then Bruce lands an said "Your stuck with us."

And then he looked at Weiss an said "Weiss!" An she knew what to do and she did something

an it only surrounded him only an he stated to scream in pain an there were two of them,

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