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-this is what she's looks like okay and also i did draw this kay an I hope you guys like it okay byeeeeee-

-this is what she's looks like okay and also i did draw this kay an I hope you guys like it okay byeeeeee-

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(Aveya's Pov)

I then kept on hearing

someone's voice and then I got a huge headache and then I saw a flash of memory came through

my head and then I saw that I was in space, where the beautiful stars are and then

I saw my mom and dad with me and we we're just dancing around for fun and then I just snapped

out of it and then looked around and then saw the elevator door open and then we all start to

get out of it and then I saw two new people I side and then I heard they were talking "Yang."

I heard the one with black hair and with some ears and then I saw Yang run up to her and gave her

a nice warm hug and Yang said "Blake!" I just stand against the wall and then a tall women walked over to Clark

and Clark called her "Wonder women." And then Wonder Woman said "Superman."

An the hugged each other "Superman?" Blake said and then Yang said to her "Yeah, but we just call him Clark." And then I thought to myself

'Superman really?' As I finished I said to them "alright clark I'm gonna go look around this place alright bye." But then Clark said to me

"Wait? Aveya." I stopped and turned around to look at him and I said "Hmm" and then

he said  "And this is Aveya Cosmic's, she can't remember where she's from an wondering if someone here might know her." As he finished

I just waved and said "Hello." And then the girl with black hair and cat ears which I think her names

Blake and she said "No, I'm sorry but I don't know you." I sighed and then said

"That's fine, well nice meeting all of you, I'm gonna go glitch an look around alright byeee~" and then

I fell backwards and glitched to somewhere else.

(Clark's Pov)

As Aveya fell backwards and She glitched yo who knows where "wait? So she just glitches? And it's like a portal thing?"

Wonder Woman asked me and then I said with a nod "Yeah, that's what it looks like I guess."

As I finished "This si my friend, Diana. Diana meet Ruby and Yang." I finished

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