What the?!

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(Nora's Pov)

As I was ready for cyborg to give me some of the electrical charge,

then cyborg said to me "Hey, before. I didn't mean you couldn't take care of yourself. That's not-"

I rolled my eyes and then cut him off an said "Hold my hand." An I had my hand out and he looks at

me confused and then she set his robot hand with the electrical charge he was giving me in it.

Later on I had my eyes closed and then I heard Cyborg say "Count if three. One.... Two...." An then

I felt all of the charge in me and I snapped my eyes open and me and Cyborg shouted at the same time "Three!" An then he threw

me at the Wyvern and I shouted an rest my hammer and then I hit the Wyverns back with it and with the

electrical charge as well an the charge exploded an all the Grimm's started to glitch away and then the

Wyvern just stayed Glitched on the ground dead. The Ruby an everyone else walked up an Ruby said

"Good job, you guys. Im sorry that I just... I-" she was cut off by the Wyvern or some other monster

we know an it started to glitch a lot showing us the monsters an we all were in shocked and then it stopped glitching to show two

monster an they roared and then we all got ready to fight again and then

Ruby said "Uh, that's not supposed to happen."

(Batman's Pov)

As I was typing on the computer an trying, I then stopped and then looked around and said

"This lab... it has everything!" An the Wiess looked at me and said "More than normally. It isn't usually

set up like a command center." An I said "So the Grimm are feeding off energy like it their personal power source,

an they protect this place that's not normally set up like a common center. But why?" As I finished saying

that she said "There. That should show us when the energy vampire Grimm show up." An I was surprised

an I ask her "How'd you manage that?" She then pulled out the Grimm's skin "The Grimm outside lent us a hand." She set it on the table in

front of me and then she says as it glitches "It's strange. Usually Grimm completely dissolve when they're killed. Something's changed the rules."

I crossed my arms on my chest and then said "Hmm." Wiess sighs and then says

"With any luck, my friends are fighting against one of these Grimm and we'll be able to track them down."

And then I asked her "What makes you think there's anyone else from our worlds here? Maybe it's just a toy and me." I then pushed

myself an my rolling chair I've rato the desk and then Wiess said to me "You know, if you can't find your way back, you could always stay on my world."

I the looked at her, at the corner of my eye. An She said "You could belong in Remnant." I then just looked back at the computer.

(Jessica's Pov)

As Jaune and I walked over to the doors and Jaune open d one side of the door and then I opens the

other side of the door and then I said when I looked inside of it "Another dead end." I rolled my eyes as

me and Jaune walked inside an then Jaune said "Wow, it looks..." then the door closes and he continues to say

"...just like I remember it. I didn't realize how much I missed you his place. How much it... reminds me of-" he was cut

off by some female voice "Jaune?" An then he slowly turned his head around and so did I an then the

women in armor said his name again as she walked up closer "Jaune." I then gasped and stepped back a bit an said "what?" An Jaune ran over

to her and they both hugged each other and then they pulled away an Jaune says "Pyrrha, you can't... you can't be here. None of this is real."

And then the women grabs his hand from her face and then said "I'am real, Jaune. I promise. I will explain everything, but we've got to go."

After she said that I just looked at them and then said "Jaune, we need to tell our teams what we've found."

A then he looked back at the women and then said her name "Pyrrha." He then let go of her and then

said to me as he walked a bit and liked at me "She's been helping this whole time! I've heard her over and over, and then when she showed us the door when I called her!" I exclaimed

an said "But-" I was cut off by him an he said "You can't use your power, right?" I got hurt right there

when he said that to me and then he continues to say "So... what are our other options?" I then just looked sad and then I sighed and

said "Okay, let's go." An tehn the lady names Pyrrha said "Follow me." An me and Jaune did an then she leads us to the chalkboard and then

she turned to us and said "There's a shortcut we can take." She then put her hand on the board and then

it turned into a door and then she opened it and me and Jaune walked in an looked around and the

i heard her say "Hurry! Your friends are in danger!" And then Jaune said to her "You're... you're not coming with us?" I tuned around and looked

at her and then I gasped and then she glitched a bit an the said in a robotic voice "You cannot be allowed to tell the Justice League."

An I was in shocked about this but ofc I had to follow her. Jaune then said "Pyrrha? Pyrrha, no!" An frhnshe shut the door and then Jaune said

one last time "Pyrrha!" An he reos to open it it but it was locked.

(Aveya's Pov)

As we all are still fighting off the Grimm's an the two big monsters I don't know what they are called off.

I was running around and glitching an shoot fire an slicing the Grimm's off I was sun pain for some reason,

I was beside cyborg and he helped me fought one of the Grimm off,

he give me a thumbs up and I glared at him a n then ran over to the other Grimm's.

Next chapter kay byeeeee

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