That hurt

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(Aveya's Pov)

As everyone was leaving slowly I ran ice Érica Jessica and then gave her a hug and then said

"I believe in you, Jess, you got this. You'll find your ring, and you'll access your semblance. And you are the most amazing person I've met today okay."

I let go of the hug and then she looked at me and then smiled at me and then she said

"Thanks Aveya." I world at her and the i said as I ran to my group that was going into the forest

"Good luck guys." I waved at them and they waved back at me and then we all walked out the place.

As we all were walking in the forest and I heard vixen say "I feel ridiculous." Then I heard Flash chuckles

and then he said "What? You don't like begging back as in high school." Then Vixen says

"I don't like having an actual tail." Clark heard and then he turned his head back to look at them

and then he says "Oh, come one. It suites you!" And then she says to him "Well, you're not the one who keeps sitting on it."

And I was walking next to Ren an I kept seeing him looking at him and the i asked "can i help you?"

He snapped out of it and then said "Oh! Sorry, I was just... um... j-just looking at your eye." I then said

"what? That my eye looks weird? That it's ugly just like me? Or that I look like an ugly monster?" I said

to him while covering my eye and then he grabs my hand and then said "What no! I was just going to say.... Your eyes looks beautiful."

I blushed and then I let him move my hand down a bit and then I said "O-oh, s-sorry." An then he says

while still holding my hand "N-no, it's alright, it's my fault for saying that." I smiled at him and

I was still blushing at the fact that he was still holding my hand, then later on he felt him let go,

my hand felt so cold without it and then he says to cyborg "We're all a little busy here." And then Nora said

"Ren I can answer for myself." And then he says "No, Nora I-I know, but-" he started stuttering.

Then Flash chuckles an says "And I thought this was going to be a boring monster hunt." And then

Vixen made flash tripped on her foot and then he fell an he grunted as Vixen says "Ooh! Sorry about that."

And then cyborg says "Hey man, I'm not trying to-" he was cut off by Ren and he said "Not trying to what?"

Then Cyborg said "You know this is then most you've said to me this whole time." And then Ren said

"I don't say much to anyone." Nora was in between them and she said "Guys..." I pulled

her away and then cyborg said "look already work with a strong, silent type that looks down on everyone. And your not Batman" I sighed an said

to them in between them and said in Spanish "Oigan, no me hagan golpearlos en el estómago!"

Everyone looked at me and then Clark came in an said "okay, everyone, calm down." An cyborg says

"And your not my dad." An Ruby says "Well your acting like a kid." An cyborg says to her

"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to figure out how to avoid certain doom. That's not what kids do." Then I added something in

"That's what they do, they have to protect everyone. And they take care of each other." Then he looked down at me and says

"And who are you pipsqueak and Glitch freak." After he says that I gasped and felt some old memories coming back

to me and I heard Nora and seen say "Hey!" An Vixen says "Cyborg!" I couldn't even get a word out of my mouth same with Ruby as well and

I felt tears about to come out of my eyes, and I looked at everyone and just Glitched to somewhere else.

(Clark's Pov)

I saw Aveya Glitched to who knows where and then I walked over to cyborgs s out my hand on his shoulder and then he says

"Yeah that sucked, I know. I just hate not feeling... useful. I'm gonna... scout. Clear my head." As he walked

away I looked at Ruby and said to her "you okay?" I asked her and

then Ruby said "I've been doing this leader thing for a while now and.... And sometimes its..." she sighs

and then continues to say "sometimes it's just so..." I heard Barry and Vixen grunting and I turned

my head ti look and they were doing something and then Barry laughs and then I said to Ruby

"I know what u mean. Like, everything you do is the end of the world. And nothing can stop it.

Just so you know, that doesn't go away. Even when you are a grown up." Ruby laughs

a bit and then stops and says "Ah, I'm sorry, its... it's hard to take you seriously when you're Yangs age."

I just gave her a closed eyes smoke and then I open my eyes and then stopped smiling an said as

I looked at the others "Yeah." I smiled a bit. "Uh. Hey we have a problem!" Cyborg told us,

then we all saw something glowing in one of the tree and then Aveya came out looking at all of us and

the she says "What are we waiting for, let's go check it out." She the ran where cyborg came out of then later on we followed her.

-sorry guys this one had to be short but hope u all are liking it and see you all in the next chapter kay-

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