Im sorry what did u just say?!

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(Clark's Pov)

As me and Ruby were fright the Grimm off I then asked her "You sure nothing like this happened before?" And then I laser

the Grimm that was coming after me and Ruby a she shot some of the Grimm's as well "Is your memory glitching?" I asked her

and then she said "I think I would remember if we'd seen a Grimm reboot, let alone split into a whole other Grimm!" An the i heard

yelling, i looked I've rand saw Aveya and Nora running up on the monsters tail and Aveya stabbed

her swords in the beast and then Nora jumped and then hit the monster with her hammer thing and then

she pressed the button on it and then some smoke went of it and wounded the monster a bit and

they both jumped and landed next to me and Ruby "Good job, Nora an Aveya!" Ruby yelled

and then they both came over to us and then Nora asked "what now, Ruby?" An I looked at

Ruby and saw that she was hesitating and then she said "Right, uh... Now, uh now..." the I said

"See if anything that we've thrown at the Wyvern has slowed it down at all!" Nora likes at Ruby and then Ruby nods at her and then

Nora said while pointing her hammer at me "You're not the boss of us. We aren't kids." An then Aveya

turned around an shouted at me as she ran off with Nora "Don't be like a dad, Clark!" A then I said

"You guys are kids!" And Ruby said to me "So are you!" She then ran behind a huge rock and she starts

to shoot at the Grimm's and I followed he an I laser one of them as well,

an I said to Ruby "Ruby, I don't mean to overstep, but I've had experiences of leading a team." 

And then she says to me "so have I!" An I told her "Clearly not enough." She then just went back to

shooting the Grimm's and then I sighed and said to her "Ruby, I—" I was cut off by her an she said

"I had it. You just had to give me a minute-" I cut her off and said "Sometimes you don't have a minute."

She lowered her weapon and looked at me and I said "It's my fault that we're here. I think I froze. And my team.... We're stuck here because of me."

It was quiet until she gasped and shouted "Watch out!" She turns into a flying rose and then moved

flash out of the way before he could get crushed. The. I start to remember the flash of memory I just had and then

I think to my myself and then I walked over to Ruby and flash "Are you okay?" She asked him as she helps

him up and he grunted as well "I don't know what wrong with me. I do know that im not much used to you guys."

An then walked next to Ruby and crossed my arms onto my chest an said "We need to talk."

An same with Ruby and he got nervous and then I heard "Look out!" I turned around and saw Aveya pushed Nora away from the Big monsters

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