Were still here?

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(Diana's Pov)

As me, Yang, an Blake were on the ship flying to Atlas. I looked out the window from the

back of the ship and I sighed and then walked into the middle of the ship and I summoned my armor an they

started to glow and I start to float a bit and then, as I was practicing me flying in the back of the shop

I messed up and hit my head on the ceiling as I fell faceplate onto the floor. I groaned and then I moved

my hair out of my face and then I looked up to see Yang and Blake were there the whole time watching me,

an Yang was trying to hold in her laughter while Blake asked me as she crouched

down to where my level is and said "So... how's it going?" And then I said as I start to sit up

"Just swell." And then I sat down an said "It's different then home. There, I don't have to imagine gauntlet to fly, or a lasso for strength."

And then Yang asked "Those are powers you have on your world? And they just... happen?" And then

I said to her"They come from different places. Mine were a gift from the gods. Superman's come from the sun, more or less. Each of us learned how to save the world on our own."

After I told her I looked to the side an said "At least you guys learned together." And then I snapped out of it

and then asked "Who's flying the ship?" An Yang said "Autopilot. I set the proximity alert for when we get near Atlas." I sighed

in relief and then I asked "What about the Grimm? Can they fly?" Blake got up an said

"Some can. The alert will sound for them, too. Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, and something tells me we might have a lot of those right now." And then I told then

both "You have to say focused. All the time." And then Blake turns around to look at me an says "Hmm. Just about."

I start to have a headache and they were flashes of memory with ti as well "Everything okay?" 

Blake asked me and then I rubbed my head, as then I moved it to the back of my neck and said "It's nice here. With you guys. I like my team. I really do. But... they don't understand."

And then Blake said "That happens with teams. Yang and I didn't exactly get along at first. But now..." Yang and Blake

looked at each other and then I said "No. I grew up like a warrior. On an island with other warriors. We trained together, fought together."

I told them and then Blake said "Like us." And then I looked up at them and then smiled a bit and said

"Yeah. But my teammate's, they... They didn't grow up like I did. They don't always understand what being a warrior means." I said and then

I just looked down at the floor and then I heard "They sound lucky." I looked up at Blake as she

continues on saying "They've never had to worry they were going to die just from going to school. To train like your life or, worse, your friends lives depend on it." I got sad

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