Lets get back to the fight

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(Aveya's Pov)

We all just looked at the new monsters that just popped out of know where and then Flash said

"You guys have dragons?" And then Nora popped out from the side an said to him "Not usually. An it's a Wyvern!"

And then we all just looked at the Wyvern and then Vixen says "So... what do we do?" And then Ruby say's

"We fight!" An she turned herself into a flying rose and her friends from her world followed her and then

I just said "Cool!" An I ran after them and then lasted on the Justice League followed on and

we all just saw the Wyvern bleeding out more and more Grimm's and we all fought them off. As I used my staff I didn't even know it could do this. But it turned it into Bows and arrows

I looked at it in aww and then I saw more Grimm's coming at Ren and I ran over and shot my arrows at

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I looked at it in aww and then I saw more Grimm's coming at Ren and I ran over and shot my arrows at

it and then it reloaded me some more in thin air and then I jumped up in the air and I spin up in the

air an shot some more at the Grimm's that were coming at Ren or anyone. As I landed on the ground there

was three coming from behind rune that I didn't notice but then Red shot them down an stabbed some as well,

I looked at him and then I smiled and said "Thanks Red!" And I ran to fight off more an I got

an idea an an I called out to Clark "Hey Clark! Give me a bust would you!" As I fought some Grimm's on the

way and then he said "Are yo sure?" An then he laser some of them that were flying towards him "Why else would I be asking you that!" I told him

and he just nods and then he came down an I ran fast to him and then I stepped on his hand and then

he threw me up in the air and I shouted "Oh yeah! Woohoo!" And then I saw some Grimm's flying towards me and then I smiled and then

shot all of them with my arrows and then I start to fall down and I shot some more and more of my arrows at the other Grimm's.

But then I got closer to the ground but then I glitched and was now next to Vixen and she was slicing

up the Grimm's while I shot them with my arrows and then w she says "Clark!" I she ran and then I saw that

Clark was down and then more Grimm were follow her an I shot them all down so she could get the Clark,

she looked at me and smiles an I smiled back at her. Then I Grimm came out of know where an hit me.

Justice league x Rwby: super heroes and huntsmen (Ren x oc)Where stories live. Discover now