The forest.

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-still continuing on from last chapter k-

(Diana's Pov)

We all were in some room and Jessica was looking in all of the lockers an I said "where could he be?"

And I pressed the screen on the table and then I heard Jaune said to me "Sorry, I can't believe you have a teammate named Bat Man."

And then Yang said "Now is that better or worse then a teammate named Superman?" An then flash

walks by with a staff he has and said "Right!" An I said "Focus." And then runny walked over to the table

and said "He could be anywhere. An Remnant is a big place. Yang and I found Clark and Aveya. Diana woke up on Menagerie near Blake. And the rest, well..." she looked up

at Jaune and he said "They we're in the dorms next to ours. We only notice when we heard Jessica crying."

I Jessica groans and then turned to us and said "I wasn't crying!" She crossed her arms and then pouted and then Vixen said as she puts

her hand on Jessicas shoulder "Hey, it's okay." And the she whisper's to her "You where a little though."

And then Jessica said as she shoved Vixens hand off her shoulder and said "I was trying to find my ring!"

She then walked away and then Vixen said "Yeah and my necklace is gone, too." And I think a bit

and then u said "So, we're all been dropped near members of you teams..." and eh I heard Blake said

"huh?" And then she turned around and then Blake said "Has anyone heard from Weiss?" And then Ruby said

"I tried calling her, but these was no answer-" and then Yang said "communication isn't working."

And then I said "Do you think that's connected?" I asked Clark and then he asked Ruby

"what runs the communication system?" An ruby answered "Dust. It runs everything.

The Grimm we saw in the forest was absorbing it. Do you think it could be using dust for its energy?"

I heard Barry exclaims. "Batman would know." Clark said and then "Where would Weiss be?" I asked

"Well, if Blake was in Menagerie and Yang and I were in the woods by Beacon, then Weiss might be in Atlas." Ruby said and then I heard footsteps behind me

"You probably don't need me, right?" I heard Jessica said and then I turned to look at her and I said

"Jessica, what's going on?" And then she said "I've been trying to tap into my semblance to thing this whole time, but I need my ring. It's gotta be on this world somewhere." I sighed

and then said "Jessica we don't ah e time to-" I was cut of by Ruby and she said

"Ring? A bright green with a weird design? I've seen it. It's in Ozpin's office." She said and

then I heard Jaune say"why don't we-" he stopped at his sentence and then Ren snapped

him out if it and then Clark said "There are 12 of us. We don't all need to go looking for Bruce." An then

I said "Okay, so lantern can go get her ring back while we look for Batman." And then I heard Jessica said

"What?" An then Ruby said "Well, we could-" she was cut off by Yang and she said

"Hold on. I'm not following someone into battle who's never been on Remnant before." An then

Nora said "Me neither." And then Blake said "You can't just barge into our world like to know what your doing." And then vixen came in

"Sorry. They do this. Blondie has a point. Their world, their rules. Even if their rules involved figuring out this semblance thing." Vixen said

and then Jaune said "Hey, all right, even those of us that are from here can have a hard time with it." He smiled

an looked at Jessica and she emailed at him and then Ruby says "There another thing we haven't talked about. The Grimm in the forest."

And then cyborg said "We've fought monsters before." And then Nora looked at him and

then said "I don't know what you have on your world, but Grimm... they're soulless creatures with only one purpose: to destroy humanity."

Clark said "I never seen anything like them before. We need to figure out how to get back, now." Ruby

then said "I think we all need to-" she was cut off by me "we aren't leaving without Bruce." The Yang said

"Why are you calling the shot?" Ruby says "No wait-" she gets cut off again "I need to get my ring." Jessica says

and then Ruby says "We should be able to uh-" she got cut off again by Aveya "Hey!" We all looked at her

an she starts to walk up next to me an she had a bag over her shoulder and she said

"How about this we should split up. One group goes with Jessica to get her ring back,

one group looks for this Bruce guy, an the rest of us are going to check out these weird Grimm.

They might shine some light on what's going on. Or at least help us how to get back. An sorry for cutting you off Ruby."

Aveya finished and then Ruby sighs an says "It's fine, that's exactly what I was trying to say. But it's alright Aveya. I'll head to the forest."

And then Yang says "I'll take Diana to Atlas." An Blake immediately says "Uh, me to!" An the she chuckles

nervously and the "I'll got with Ruby to track down Grimm." Clark says and then Flash came next to him and

said "All right, sticking with you, blue boy." An then Nora says "I'll go to. If theirs Grimm's to smash, I want to smash them!"

An then Aveya walks next to her and says "I'll go as well, I always wanted to fight a monster. Since I got here."

An I saw Ren looking at he and then Clark says "Cyborg want to stay behind with lantern. Hack into their computers?" Cyborg says

"Eh, I already tried that. No luck. Just some weird number over and over again.

I volunteer for the creepy monster mission in the woods with Aveya and Nora!" He finished

an then Ren sighs and then say's "Me, too." An the their was Jessica "Um...I..." Jessica sighs and

then said "i Don't want to go alone." It was quiet for a big until I heard Jaune say "I'll go with you." She smiles and then Clark asks

"Vixen?" She then says as she threw her weapon up in the air and then says as she caught it

"Ah, why not. Always love following you into certain death, Supes."

He chuckles and then says "Good luck everyone." We all went out separate ways.

Sorry next chapter okay guys byeeee

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