Finding the ring!

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(Jessica's Pov)

I was i the office that Ruby told me where my ring is and I looked over the seat and it wasn't

on there and then Jaune said "Dine anything?" And then I said "She said it was on the desk,

but I've looked over the whole thing. Twice. Oh,

this would be so much easier if I actually had my ring. I could just scan the desk."

Then Jaune said "this piece of jewelry is very important to you, huh?." I then groan and slammed my hands

on the table an said "Oh, It's not just a piece of jewelry. It''s my strength, it's the thing that keeps me together, and without it.... Without it...I."

I started to breathing fast and then I walked away from the table and "Hey, hey! Sorry. I didn't know.

Do u think that's the reason that you haven't been able to access your semblance?"

He asked me and then I tried to access it but nothing happened and then Jaune said "I've been there."

And then I asked him "How did you acoses it?" As I was looking at him and then he said

"Uh... A friend believed in me." And then I looked at him confused and then said "That's all?" An he said to me "Try it out."

I sighed and then said "Fine." I walked over in the middle of the room and sat on my knees on the floor,

then I heard Jaune walking and he said as he sat down in front of me "Okay floor time, cool." I start to focus

on my semblance an trying to see if I could use it "It's also okay if it doesn't happen." He said to me and then

I said "Wh- You said you believed in me!" And then he said "I do Jessica, but your putting a lot

of pressure on yourself. Your no less of a person if you can't." I then calmed down

a bit and closed my eyes an focusing on trying to access my semblance. But when I opens my eyes I wasn't in the room anymore

I was in a white space I said to myself "What?" Then I heard Jaune "Jessica?" But he wasn't here so it was more like a echo "Did it work?" He asked

me and then I panted and then looked down at my hand and saw my ring "My ring?" I said to an then I looked around and asked Jaune

"I can hear you. Did I go anywhere?" An I heard him say "No your still on the floor. What's going on?"

An the I said while I was panting a bit because I was freaking out "I... I don't know. I... it's a white room. No windows. No doors. And I can't get out. I... I don't like begging trapped."

Then I felt something on my hand and then something was different, I the asked him "What? What is that? It feels different." Then he said

"It's my semblance. I help enhance... whatever yours is. Try again." I tried to use my ring but it didn't do anything

"Ugh, I can't. I have the ring, but it not working!" I told him and then I cover my face with my hands while I was heavily breathing

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