Meeting everyone.

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-still continuing on from last chapter k-

(Aveya's Pov)

"Why are we learning kids stuff?" And then the tall dude with black hair said "Beats me." I then thought to myself

'I could quietly do his hair in braids as well.' As I finish that and then Nora said as I started

to braid his hair "This is weird, right? It feels like something's off." And then the cyborg dude said

"Something's definitely sideways. The tech feels weird. Hollow." And then I said as I was almost

down braiding his hair "I'm bored." As I was finally finished the dude with black hair said

"You've adjusted quickly. Just a little while ago you were freaking out." An then eh looked at the cyborg

dude and then the robot man said "What, you haven't learned how to adapt thanks to childhood trauma?"

And then Nora laughed a bit and then I said "Ugh, I'm so bored. I'm gonna go jump off there." As I got up

and then Nora said "What!?" And then I got up on the railing and I just stand there a bit and then I

looked at everyone an winked at the guy with black hair an pointed at his hair and then said

"Byee~" an then I fell backwards and then I glitched and I was at the way back on the bleachers seat

and they all were looking down the railing where I fell off of. And then I cleared my throat and everyone

jumped and then I said "what? You guys look like you just seen a ghost." I chuckled a bit as

I walked down the stairs towards them and then they all looked at me weird and then the teach

snapped them out of it and she cleared her throat and then said

"Well. It seems you all have more important things to talk about than your lesson. In that case..."

And we all start to fight down we're the training ground is where I fell, and then we all just start

to fight each other and training an junk. I was fight with the green small girl just hand to hand combat

"come on! Work!" She said as she tried to use her semblance on me but nothing happened

"Uh, you okay?" I asked her and then she snapped at me and then said "Stop distracting me!"

An I shrugged my shoulders and then just said "Okay." And then I slide my leg on the floor and then

kicked her feet off the ground and made her lose her balance and she fell on her butt,

she groan and then I said "Sorry." And then I ran over to fight the girl with a fox tail an I jumped up in the

air ready to punch her but I was hit with electricity "Sorry... strange girl! And Nora!" I groan and then

I looked at my hands and saw them glitching in an out and I was breathing a bit fast and then

I felt something happening to me and I groan and I shut my eyes close until I breathed normally and then

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