We're fonally going home!

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(Aveya's Pov)

After Ruby and Clark told us the plan we all got ready and I asked Ren if he wanted to fly with me he said sure. 

As we all were flying and ridding to the Grimm's and some of us are up flying towards the flying Grimm's to,

I looked down at Ren because I was holding his hands while we are flying "You ready?" I asked him and

he looked up at me and then said "Ready as always." He said that and I chuckled and then said "Be careful." And then

he said "Same with you." I smiled, then I spin him a bit and then threw him where the flying Grimm is and then I helped fought

off the Grimm's in the air. And everyone was doing there own things and then I felt something strange

that's just coming to my hand and then I got ready and aimed my hand to all the Grimm's coming at me and

shouted "EAT THIS YOU GRIMMS!" And then I didn't know I had this much power in me and

I shot all the Grimm's down and they glitched away like dust

(This is my drawing and I hope you guys like this okay byeeeeee)

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(This is my drawing and I hope you guys like this okay byeeeeee)

And then I laughed and then flew down to where everyone else is and then landed next to Nora,

she looked at me and then said "nice work up there. That's was amazing! How did you do that?" She asked

me and then I smiled a bit but then it faded away and I said "I don't know.... It just... came out of my hand and... it's weird and I never knew how strong I was."

And then she nods her and then says that to all of us "You think we gave them enough time." I nod my head

and then said "I think we did." Then later on we all saw green lantern flying in front of the

Wyvern and she used all of her powers to destroy it and there was a huge bright green light shined it and it was gone.

After all of that everyone came back to where we all are and they all were talking and

I heard them say "where is Kil%ger now?" Nora asked and then cyborg said "Gone. He's not here anymore I check all over the data and he's not here."

After he said and then Barry said while he was stretching his arms "Don't worry we'll get him in our world"

and then Weiss said "Wait? I thought he was trapped here with us?" I was just sighed and stared to

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