Chapter 1

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HE PROWLED restlessly down the city streets. He kept his hands in his pockets and his arms tucked tight against his taut muscular body. Restless energy radiated off him in palpable waves and he hoped it was enough to keep away anyone questioning why someone like him, someone who so clearly stood out as much as he did was wandering around aimlessly in their neighborhood.

The mid-day sun did little to warm the unrelenting bite of winter chill in the air. He should have felt it, even through the layers of clothes he wore, he should have been eager to zip up his jacket to add another barrier against the cold, like any normal person would have out in this weather, but he wasn't. The cold barely even registered to his numbed senses.

He passed shop after shop, barely noticing any of them or caring what hidden treasures might be awaiting inside. None of that mattered, not to him. He had no interest in them or any destination in general. No place he needed or wanted to be, he didn't even know the people or shops that resided here. That was part of its appeal. He had just needed to get away for a little while, to be by himself and what better place then somewhere, where no one knew him.

He kept walking, a turn here, a turn there, one street blurred into another and then another as he pushed onward, willfully ignoring everything around him until his stomach finally began to protest, twisting violently, his enhanced metabolism making itself known and refusing to be denied sustenance any longer. He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and sighed. He lifted his head and wearily looked around. His eyes stopped on what was in front of him. It was a plain, unremarkable building, exactly like all the other plain, unremarkable buildings around it, the only difference was a small sign on the door that read Sunspire and through the window he could see booths and tables. A restaurant. He mentally shrugged, this place was as good as any, as long as it was food it didn't really matter what kind or from where. He ran a hand through his onyx hair and pushed the door open, the little overhead bell announcing his arrival as he stepped inside.

"Welcome" a small mousy brunette with simple unremarkable features chirped from behind the counter, "Sit anywhere you like" she called, not bothering to look up as she continued to pour drinks into glasses on a tray.

The restaurant was just as plain on the inside as the outside, ambient recessed overhead lighting, cream colored walls, wood furniture and counters. Light colored tiles on the floor. Pictures scattered here and there of some scenery. Minimalistic was an understatement. It was utterly boring, lacking any creativity or originality. Nothing at all to make it special or remarkable. Like it had been created by someone who either didn't know what they were doing or didn't care. Perhaps both.

He made his way to a deserted booth in the very back corner and sat down, keeping his back to the wall. A few customers still loitered about, nursing drinks and making idle conversation with one another, regulars no doubt from the familiarity they showed one another, stragglers left over from the lunch crowd, even though it was already long past when most people should be back to their jobs.

He kept a wary eye and ear on the room. It wasn't as if any here actually posed any kind of real threat to him, he could take any and all of them out within a split second if need be, but old habits were hard to break.

"Haven't seen you here before" The omega waitress chirped, bouncing up beside his table and holding out a menu.

The chipper tone of her voice grated on his nerves. "No" he answered coldly, glancing over the plastic covered paper. He wasn't in the mood to chit chat. He was relieved when she seemed to get the hint.

"Well take your time looking over the menu and I'll be back in a few minutes" she said, her cheerful facade faltering at the lack of his willingness to engage in the superficial pleasantries everyone was so fond of these days.

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