Chapter 17

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 JULIAN screamed as the building crumbled all around him. He curled up in the corner he'd been pushed into and sobbed. Only one guard remained, standing in front of him in a futile attempt to try and protect him. The other soldiers had either fled to save their own lives or been killed. But staring down an overgrown black furred, red eyed canine monstrosity had his last guard abandoning the omega as well. Julian froze, eyes wide, too scared to even breathe. This was it, he was going to die, torn apart and eaten by this monster. The creature lunged and he shut his eyes, unable to watch his impending doom. He heard a loud shriek and a thud, but nothing else, no sharp fangs or claws piercing his tender flesh. Juilan? Someone called his name and he recognized that voice. He cracked one eye open and stared. "Cheza?" He gasped, she looked so different, but it was definitely her. A sob tore from his throat as he got to his feet and launched himself at her, arms wrapping around her waist in a death grip and smooshing his face against her abs.

"You okay?" Cheza asked as the blonde omega sobbed and clutched her. She looked at Gladius and frowned. Taking him with them would be terrifying for the poor scared kid. But they also couldn't leave him somewhere unprotected. She pulled him off of her so she could fight, "You'll have to come with us, stay between me and Gladius alright, we'll keep you safe" She told him.

"W-where are we going?" Julian stammered.

"We're going to find Argos?" She answered.

"W-whose Argos?" Julian asked, confused. He didn't know anyone by that name.

"The Sun sphere, we're going to find the Sun sphere" Cheza corrected. Of course he didn't know who Argos was, none of these people did. His name and self lost long ago to people who only cared about using him as a weapon.

"It-it's in the king's private library, but I can't, I'm not-" Julian whimpered.

"You can't access his power" Cheza finished for him. "I know"

Julian flinched, all the shame of his supposed failure rushing back. The King's every harsh word ringing in his ears. His failure at using the sun sphere is what had led to the king deciding he was useless for anything other than selling off to Nighthaven to breed heirs.

They trekked through the halls. Cheza and Gladius took out any enemies that got close until they came to the double set of doors that led to the King's private chambers The hallway empty where two soldiers should have been standing guard, their bodies lifeless and dismembered, scattered on the floor a little further off. Julian whimpered as Cheza led them straight through the blood smeared in their path, stepping over little bits of flesh and bone as she went. She threw the doors open and there on the pedestal sat the sun sphere. It shimmered with light and magik and standing over it, was a man she'd recognize anywhere.

The man turned his head, eyeing them until a spark of recognition hit him and he turned his whole body to face them, "Well, well, well, if it isn't the little bitch, I guess you survived after all" His eyes shifted behind her to her mate "And you brought the most hated man in all of Nighthaven with you" He said with a mocking smile.

Gladius swallowed down the bile at the man's words and stood ready for the man to attack. Merrick was one of the best fighters, not only in Nighthaven, but in the world. Like the Elites, he'd also been enhanced. But where Quiness tried to at least be somewhat 'ethical' with their human weapons program, Nighthaven didn't care how much it twisted a person's body or in Merricks case his mind. Gladius had gone up against him once briefly, but the fight was so short that he hadn't had time to assess his chances of actually winning in the fight.

Cheza snorted, if this asshole thought he would get in her head he was sorely mistaken. "That's rich coming from you Merrick considering how many years you've spent being Marakeith's bitch, I'm surprised you could detach your lips from his dick long enough to grace us with your presence" She taunted, pleased when his face twisted in pure rage.

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