Chapter 5

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GLADIUS slowly drifted into consciousness. He felt warm and content, a far cry from the panicked frenzy he usually woke in. A weight shifted against the left side of his body and he opened his eyes to see raven hair, his instincts helpfully recognized the person beside him before he could tense up and freak out over someone in bed with him. He shifted, or tried too, finding he couldn't move much. Cheza had latched onto him with a grip that would have put a needy octopus to shame. He didn't mind, in fact it felt far better than he could have ever imagined. Having a warm body curled around his own. He carded his fingers through her hair with one hand, his other arm still wrapped securely around her middle. Savoring the sweet intimacy of the moment.

Cheza stirred a bit, "What time is it?" She mumbled, her voice sleep heavy and raspy.

Gladius reached for his phone on his night stand, trying not to jostle his half awake bed mate. He brought up the clock and the numbers on the screen sent a shock of disbelief though him, "Its after Twelve"

Cheza cracked an eye open and peered up at the man beneath her, "What time did we go to bed?" She asked, yawning.

"Almost two in the morning" Gladius answered, his lips turned down into a frown as his gaze caught hers and he turned that over in his mind.

"Thats- that would mean we slept over ten hours?" Cheza said, surprise written across her face.

"I can't even remember the last time I slept more than a couple hours at a time" He said. It was hard to sleep when memories flashed before your eyes everytime you closed them.

"Me either" She agreed. Sleep had stopped being kind to her long ago. Being alone made it even harder, when the nightmares came to torment her she had no one to help ground her and help her remember she wasn't trapped in that hell anymore. "Must be because you're here, so warm and comfortable" And safe, but he didn't voice that part. Gladius still had his own issues to come to terms with and too much, too quickly was likely to make him skittish. She snuggled further down against him and let out a sigh. "It's so nice and dark in here, just like a cave" she mumbled absentmindedly. Darkness had always been where she belonged.

"Black out curtains" Gladius supplied. When he moved into the apartment he'd gone out and bought the darkest, thickest curtains he could find and to this day they served him well. Even in broad daylight it was almost pitch black in his bedroom.

"I hope you don't have any plans, cause I don't wanna move anytime soon" She sighed, hand stroking over the hard muscles of his chest.

"Nowhere is more important than being here with you" Gladius said. He closed his eyes and let his fingers play absentmindedly with the ends of her hair.

"Good, cause I may never let you out of this bed" Cheza said, content and warm.

Gladius chuckled, "No complaints here, we just have to keep Kadian from finding us" As if the mere mention of his name had summoned him, Gladius could hear the front door to his apartment building open, one set of light footsteps, followed by another, heavier set coming their way "Speak of the devil" He groaned, running a hand through his hair.

Kadian flung the bedroom door open, "Finally! I thought you two would never wake up" He complained, flopping down on the bed next to the other omega.

"I tried to stop him" Nox signed. Leaning against the door frame, his massive arms folded over his chest.

"Don't even, I waited till they woke up all on their own, even though waiting was pure agony" The blonde huffed.

"How magnanimous of you" Nox deadpanned. Shaking his head as he followed suit and got comfortable on the bed on the opposite side.

"So what are we doing today?" Kade questioned.

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