Chapter 4

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GLADIUS groaned as he stared down at the neverending stack of papers in front of him. The absolute worst part of his job was the mountains of paperwork that was demanded. Filling out form after form until your eyes practically bled just wasn't something he could ever find enjoyable. It was boring and tedious and he'd had enough for one day. He shoved the stack aside and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at the time on his phone, noon. He stretched his arms over his head, ready to hit the gym for a bit before he took off early and headed back to Cheza's.

A smile spread over his lips and with those thoughts in mind he was just about to stand when the door to his office flew open, crashing back against the wall with a loud bang as a familiar blonde burst in.

"You should know better than to try and hide from me" Kadian huffed, an accusatory finger pointed at the alpha.

Gladius rolled his eyes, "I wasn't aware I was hiding from anyone, What's going on Kade?" He asked, his eyes swept over his friends' face, instantly recognizing the glint in his blue eyes that always meant he was up to something.

"You can't get out of it, so don't bother trying" The blonde declared, full of determination and his hands on his hips.

Gladius' brows furrowed as he tried to think of what the omega was talking about, but he was genuinely clueless "Okay, I give, what is it I'm trying to get out of?" He finally asked.

"Your mystery omega, You've had her to yourself long enough, it's time we got to meet her" Kadian huffed.

Gladius snorted, "So that's it huh" He shook his head. He leaned back in his chair and let a smirk pull at his lips, "Honestly, I'm surprised you've waited this long to ask" He said and he was. He'd expected his friends, especially the blonde in front of him to insist on meeting the person he'd been spending the majority of his time with long before now. The fact they hadn't pushed before now told him volumes. They were trying to give him space. Something they never would have worried about before. He was really just coming to realize how bad his state of mind had been in the last year to have them tiptoeing around him so much.

"We were trying to be patient, but I'm done with patience, " Kadian said in no uncertain terms.

Gladius snorted. What kade really meant was that the others had forced him to back off. Gladius frowned as a thought hit him. As amazing as their little family was, they could also be a bit much all at once, "Meeting everyone together might be a little overwhelming, maybe we should introduce everyone slowly" he suggested.

"Fine, but Nox and I get to meet her first, I'm serious Gladius, it's time you let her meet us" Kadian said, arms crossed over his chest in an all too familiar move. It wasn't a request and he wasn't taking no for an answer. The omega was incredibly stubborn when he wanted to be.

Gladius chuckled, "Okay" He agreed. It really was time to start introducing her to his little family.

The blonde sputtered, momentarily thrown off by getting his way so easily, "Wait, you mean you're really going to introduce us?" Kadian asked, eyes sparkling with excitement. He clapped his hands together and bounced on his feet.

Gladius snorted, a smirk pulling at his lips "Well yeah, isn't that what you wanted"

"It definitely is, I just didn't think you'd give in so easily, this is great though, I can't wait to tell Nox" Kadian half squealed in delight.

"I'm guessing you already have something in mind?" Gladius asked.

Kadian's smile stretched across his face and his eyes gleamed with mischief, "The festival is coming up, invite her and we can make it a double date"

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