Chapter 2

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 GLADIUS leaned against the shower walls, his hand pressed against the tiles to keep himself propped upright. Steam wafted and filled the tiny space as he stood motionless, his head bowed and eyes closed, letting the cascading water flow over him and the heat seep into his tired muscles. Memories flashed in his mind, old nightmares he could never escape, no matter how hard he tried. If only a person's guilt could be washed away as easily as a little sweat could. He sighed, turning off the water. Knowing he couldn't hide in here forever.

He stepped out, grabbing a towel and running it over his hair as he made his way to the changing room. He wrapped the towel around his waist as he stepped over the threshold and dropped down on the first bench he came to. He leaned his head back against the wall and let his eyes fall shut, enjoying a rare moment of quiet.

He drank in the silence, letting it wash over him and sooth his frayed nerves. There was no need to keep his guard up, for a moment he could just exist, drop the mask he wore for the sake of others. He let his mind wonder and immediately it conjured up images of his new friend. Her smile, the way she absently brushed her hair behind her ear, the sound of her voice. His chest warmed at the thoughts and a smile pulled at his lips. He felt the tension bleed out of his muscles.

All too soon his moment of peace was shattered when his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of loud booted feet stomping hurriedly down the halls in his direction. The door groaned on its hinges as it was flung open.

He kept his eyes closed, he didn't need to see the person's face to know who it was. There was only one person who could cause such a ruckus and they were getting closer with every step. He sighed and prepared himself. Sure enough as soon as he opened his eyes a familiar ruffled haired blonde was standing a few feet in front of him, a flush across his honey colored skin, from either anger or exertion, or most likely a combination of both. His chest heaving. He tossed his gear on the bench across from Gladius and flung himself down next to it, grumbling under his breath.

Gladius rolled his eyes, but another smirk pulled at his lips. The overly dramatic flair was so familiar it was reassuring in an utterly absurd way. He shook his head, "So what are you and Nox arguing over this time?" He asked. He didn't have to guess who had the blonde so worked up, there could only be one person, his best friend and the omega's mate. Noxas Noche.

Their squabbling was a normal part of their life. It was a way for their abundance of passion to bubble over. It was never malicious, always playful, teasing and intimate in a way most people wouldn't understand. To an outsider it would seem like these two didn't get along, they were as opposite as day and night.

But their differences complimented each other perfectly. Noxas was level calm and patient, whereas Kadian was loud and brash. His reckless nature had gotten him in trouble more than once.

Theirs was the strongest relationship Gladius had ever seen, even among bonded pairs. It was something to aspire to. They were truly made for one another, as anyone close to them could see, the genuine trust and love that radiated off them when they were together. Their playful bickering was just their way of flirting with one another. It also served as foreplay for their lively sex life. The details of which he was all to privy to. Neither of them had an ounce of modesty and they were all too proud to discuss the specifics of their intimate life. Then there was also the fact that Gladius, like the rest of their small group of friends and probably half the garrison, had walked in on them in one compromising position or another more times then they could count. They were no longer surprised by any of their antics. Apparently that hadn't changed and that in itself was another comfort.

He'd always envied them. Having a soul mate was nearly unheard of and finding them well, that was like finding one drop of water in an ocean.

"It's all Nox's fault" Kadian exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Just because I wanted to try something different he got all angry and refused. REFUSED, I can't believe him"

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