Chapter 6

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GLADIUS threw his car into park, turned it off and yanked the keys out of the ignition. He looked around the dark parking lot packed full of cars with a frown. They still had no clue where Cheza was taking them, She'd kept it a secret, simply giving directions until they had ended up here.

Once they got out Cheza led them down the dark streets until they came to a black nondescript building. She walked around one side of it and as soon as they turned the corner Gladius, Nox and Kadian could see the line that was all the way down that side to wrap around the back. A mass of eager half naked bodies bundled in long warm coats stood shivering in the cold.

"Look at this line, we'll be here all night," Kadian groaned.

Cheza snorted, "Who said we're gonna be getting in line" She said, walking past all the disgruntled people sending glares their way.

When they rounded the last corner, the front of the club came into view, the words TABOO were lit up in scarlet red letters that shone ominously in the darkness and underneath stood a hulking figure guarding the entrance. The bouncer glanced their way as they approached then did a double take, his eyes going wide as he forgot about the women at the front of the line trying to hand him her money.

"Hey Bruns, how's it going tonight?" Cheza asked the bouncer as he stared at males behind her in surprise.

The bouncer Bruns shook himself out of his trance to greet her, "Hey kid, just your kind of crowd, drunk and rowdy, good thing they called you in tonight we could really use the help"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just here on a date" Cheza said, nodding her head to the three people behind her.

"A date, freaking hell, well now I've seen everything" Bruns said, giving her friends an appreciative once over. "You certainly know how to pick them"

Cheza laughed, "Hell even I'm impressed at how hot they are" She said, throwing a wink at the man. "Hey, is Marcos here tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, upstairs" Bruns answered, pushing the door open and holding it there, a loud be thumping beat escaping as he did.

"Thanks, that's where we'll be then, if things get too wild I'll give you guys a hand" She said, throwing a wave over her shoulder as she walked through the doorway and into the dark hall.

"Thanks kid" Bruns half yelled to the omega. He held the door open for her men, a mischievous smirk on his lips. "Not sure how you managed to land that spitfire but I hope you know how lucky you are" He told them as they stepped past him.

"We do" Gladius agreed, Bruns gave a nod and let the door close behind them.

Kadian caught up to the raven haired omega, falling in step beside her down the long hallway, "What did he mean, call you in?" He asked.

"I work here sometimes" She Shrugged just as they stepped out of the hallway and into the main part of the club.

The club was a large open space that was dimly lit to give it a dark and forbidden feel. Shades of black everywhere. Black floors, black walls, black booths and furniture. A long black sofa ran along one wall. The name fit the place well, everywhere you looked there was something going on that would have been considered a taboo. People dressed in next to nothing strips of fabric. Every form of sex act you could imagine going on in one place or another with voyeurs gathered around to watch.

One man lounged on the sofa with his pants open and had his head thrown back as he was sucked off by a man on his knees with a dog collar around his neck.

A naked woman was chained to the wall by manacles around her wrists, her face forced against the flat surface as a man brutally thrust into her ass, his hand clenching her blonde hair painfully.

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