Chapter 7

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 THE GARRISON. The massive structure had served as headquarters for the Elites ever since the idea had first been concocted to inject a few of the best fighters with a almost unknown substance and give them an edge that no amount of training could ever provide.

If they didn't drop dead first. Bio-mute, the mutagen used to enhance soldiers, was highly volatile and dangerous. The injections were only compatible for a very few rare individuals that possessed certain genetic markers that set them apart from everyone else. No one else who was given the mutagen had ever survived and before the test was created to find the mysterious gene so many had perished that the controversial program had been deemed too dangerous to continue, and would have been shut down except for the insistence of a few very vocal individuals.

But the Garrison not only housed the super soldiers it also housed the support soldiers and staff that served under them and only them. Keeping the Elites separate in every way from the country's army, since they had never and would never answer to the throne.

The upper floors held the offices, gyms, combat simulators, infirmaries, and just about everything else you could ever want or need. The underground floors held the armory, vaults, detention cells and labs. Keeping the most dangerous sections tucked away where they were safe and secured.

Side by side and hand in hand Gladius and Cheza strolled through the corridors. It was almost comical the way heads whipped in their direction. People stopped whatever they were doing to whisper to each other, some visibly gawking with mouths gapping and eyes as wide as dinner plates. A few were even so distracted they smacked straight into walls and pillers.

The skin on the back of Chezas neck prickled with unease at the amount of attention they were getting. She'd spent the time she'd lived in the city trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Flying under the radar of the palace and anyone else who might be looking for her. Now here she was in broad daylight announcing her presence and about to flaunt her skills. It could very well prove to be a mistake, but she was tired of hiding. Tired of pretending to be something she wasn't. Though her relationship with Gladius had a lot to do with it. To remain hidden she would have had to deny their relationship and there was no way she was going to do that, consequences be damned. She had been surprised though that Gladius had been ready to make them so public. It was like some kind of flip had switched in him. He was no longer skittish about being with her and she was beyond grateful for that.

She glanced through her periphery at her partner, fully expecting to see at least some small hint of discomfort with the level of attention they were receiving, but there was none. Instead he looked content, even happy at having her by his side. He had a sly smile playing on his lips as another person gave a small gasp and stopped in their tracks and Cheza had to choke back her laughter. Gladius was flat out pleased with the stir they were causing, pleased with the shocked looks and disbelieving stares. "You're enjoying this," She snorted. It seemed her man was a bit of a troublemaker himself and she couldn't be more thrilled.

"I enjoy showing you off" Gladius said, pulling his hand from hers and wrapping his arm around her shoulders instead, "I want them all to see how lucky I am" He confessed, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her head.

Warmth spread though Cheza. It seemed he was also a charmer. In such a messed up world she had somehow managed to end up with an amazingly kind and good soul. "Well, far be it from me to stop you from rubbing it in anyone's face, but if it's not enough let me know I can always get on my knees and we can give them a real show" She offered, snaking her arm around his waist.

Gladius laughed, "And face Nox's wrath, he'd never let us hear the end of it if we didn't invite him to get in trouble with us" He said, amused.

They had almost made it to the massive set of double doors when they were thrown open cracking against the wall and a familiar blonde head poked out, his eyes lighting up the moment he saw them.

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