Chapter 11

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 IT WAS well after midnight when Gabe and Cheza pulled up to the small cabin that they'd be using during their stay in the tiny town of Forest Grove.

Gabe shut off the engine and turned to the passenger seat when Cheza sat curled up sleeping. He reached over and laid his hand on her leg, stroking gently with his thumb, "Cheza, wake up sleepyhead" he said softly.

Cheza groaned and uncurled herself, blinking slowly, "What's wrong?" She mumbled sleepily.

"Nothings wrong, we're here" He said, chuckling as she yawned and let her eyes shut again for a second, then rubbed a hand over her face, like an adorably disgruntled cat who'd been woken from their nap and couldn't decide whether to go back to sleep or scratch someone's eyes out "Come on let's get you inside and you can curl up in bed"

Cheza groaned, "Bed sounds good"

Gabe pulled the key for the front door out of his pocket and passed it over, "Here, go on inside, I'm gonna grab our stuff"

Cheza took the key, twisting the ring around her fingers, "You're gonna call Nox aren't you?" She asked softly.

Gabe sighed, leave it to Cheza to see right through him. "Yeah, I am," He confessed.

Cheza was quiet for a minute, then she let out a breath, "Just because you choose me, don't expect the others will too" She warned, then opened the door and got out, shutting it behind her.

Gabe stared at the omegas back as she hopped up the steps, pushed the key in and disappeared inside. He hadn't even thought about it, but she had a point. Kyle was already distancing himself. Then whatever this was with Gladius. Whatever way Nox sided would be the same for Kadian, since they were mated.

There was only one way to know. He pulled his phone out of his pocket where he'd been ignoring it all day. He unlocked it and was bombarded with messages. Missed calls and texts numbering in the double digits from Nox, Kade and even Kyle. Everyone but Gladius and that made his anger skyrocket. He pulled up Nox's number and hit send. The call was answered on the first ring with a growl.

Where the hell have you been?

"I'm with Cheza, who are you with Nox?" Gabe said matter-of-factly.

What the hell does that mean? What the hell is going on Gabe?

Gabe scoffed, "That's what I'd like to know, what did Gladius have to say for himself?" he demanded.

Gladius, what's he... We haven't been able to talk to Gladius, he's out cold, has been all day and we haven't been able to wake him. Apparently he went into rut and they gave him massive doses of suppressants that knocked him on his ass. Where are you? Why is Cheza with you and why haven't you been answering your freaking phone?

Gabe sighed and went through everything, starting with when found Cheza on the side of the road in front of their building, everything she told him, finally finishing with them arriving in Forest Grove. The other end of the phone was so quiet that he wasn't even sure if Nox was still there. Not until he exploded.

I'm going to kill him, Nox growled and Gabe startled as the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Not once in the history of their friendship had Gabe ever even seen Nox get angry with Gladius and now he was beyond livid. To hear the rage in his voice was a testament to how much the Raven haired omega meant to him, to all of them. Then he heard something smash on the other end and Kadian's startled yelp, before he started shouting.

Hello? Gabe? Kadian said into the phone. What the hells going on? What did you say to Nox, he's-

Gabe sighed and repeated everything for what he hoped was the last time.

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