Restless Nights

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What was the point of the night when sleep seemed to be so far? Golden hues opened to embrace the cool and still black void that was the sky at this time. A yawn followed the action as the head of the eldest Arias arose from the ground, careful to not make a sound. She craned her neck back to check on her sisters, a slight smile coming to her face when seeing both of them resting. She envied them a bit, they never struggled to fall asleep. However, they also weren't created to be nocturnal. 

The female decided to rise to her feet, carrying herself to the entrance of their cave.

Their cave. A chuckle was forced back as Astrophel thought back to when they first arrived. Never did she think that she could ever refer to what was supposed to be their prison as their home. For everything that Ghidorah has done, they have treated her and her siblings better than their creator, Valka. They weren't beaten, nor trapped in a dark place with no exit unless a portal was created, or tortured. Which is what she expected when first taken hostage. It was odd really, this whole experience. But....not entirely unwelcome.

'It doesn't matter though, does it little one?'

Astrophel blinked as the voice rang in her head like a distant echo, pupils shrinking as she smiled slightly. It was right. None of this does matter. They still have a mission. That came first before them and it was always made painfully clear to her. The death of Ghidorah and the enslavement of mankind were going to happen at their hands.

A lump slowly began to grow in her throat as the wyvern thought, trying to mentally picture the entire ordeal. The betrayed look in Ichi's and Iker's eyes, the blood of Ghidorah in her jaws, and the sickening smile of Valka towering over it all only came to mind. It only made the lump grow and nearly choke her as she knew she couldn't do anything. If they refused, Valka would just mind-control them and punish them after. Unless.Unless she could prevent it. no.No.NO.What idiot would try something so risky, and also drag down their sisters with them?Astrophel sighed as the idea only broke its way into her mind. She got back to her claws and went into the cave, beginning to think.

Clearly, she was that idiot.

(Well, another short chapter! I apologize for any inconsistency in this book. This is going to completely be rewritten once I finish this. Also, I was wondering if I should do an ask book with the characters from this book if so lemme know

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