Babysitting a Queen

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"Rodannnnnnnnnnnnnn! Upie!" 

Rodan sighed as he looked down at the small larvae, having already done many 'upies'. "Mothra we already did about 537 upies, I'm tired" he groaned as the larvae wilted, starting to get upset. 

"Fine fine! Just, just don't cry alright?" Rodan reluctantly agreed, about to pick up the small queen when he heard a loud thud behind him.

Rodan froze with fear as he knew who it was before even turning around.

'Well, I'm dead' he thought as he slowly turned around to face Ghidorah, looking up at him as his left-wing shielded Mothra. 

The three heads looked down at him, Kevin looking over at Mothra and swing as the other two glared down at him.

"When did this thing hatch?" Ichi questioned calmy, Rodan gulping down the lump in his throat. 

"Well a few months ago, I've been taking care of her ever since" Rodan answered in a low tone. 

He knew that Ghidorah definitely didn't approve of her being alive, but he didn't have the heart to leave Mothra to fend for herself at such a young age.

Ni growled gently though he didn't say anything whilst he turned his head away from the fire titan. 

"Why didn't you tell us sooner Rodan?" Ichi quizzed, eyes narrowing. 

Rodan, who couldn't think of a good excuse without it sounding rude, just remained silent. 


'How stupid can a worthless chicken fucking be?!" Ni raged in his mind, a snarl escaping his jaw. 

"Right then, we brought some kaiju for you to meet" Ni heard his older brother state as he watched the three sisters introduce themselves with the other two heads.

"Wh are we letting these four meet again?" Ni frowned. 

"Because I wanted them to!" Kevin beamed, their right tail wagging rapidly. 

Ni rolled his eyes not for the first time today. His eyes traveled towards Hestia, taking in the way the sun shined on her flame markings.

'How can they look so realistic?' he wondered, not noticing that his brothers had caught him staring, otherwise he would've been feeling pretty embarrassed now.


"She's so adorable" Nadira cooed softly, picking up the small larvae. 

Yes, she was normally not as expressive with her more positive emotions, but she couldn't help the small burst of joy she got around infants

"I know, it's been hard to take care of her, by myself I might add" Rodan shot a glare at Ghidorah as he said this. 

"We could help" Nadira offered, feeling the three pairs of eyes on her the instant she made the offer.

"Absuloety not!" Nadira flinched at the harsh tone of Ni. 

She felt small again, like how she did on her planet when they experimented on her. Hestia's question was muffled as Nadira heard the same voice that commanded her and her sisters as well as taunt them.

"Why haven't you done it little flower....?" it whispered eerily in her head.

"Are you scared to...? Scared that you'll be alone again....?" it hissed.

Nadira was snapped out of it when she felt the snuggle of the baby Mothra. A smile made it's way to her jaws as she curled around the larva, not aware of the amused eyes that belonged to her oldest sister. She allowed her eyes to close, feeling calm, something that was rare for her.

"Sis. Sis wake up!" 

Realizing she had fallen asleep, the youngest opened her eyes and saw Hestia standing above her with a smirk on her face. Nadira craned her neck to look around only to realize Ghidorah and Rodan were gone, having left the sisters with the now asleep Mothra. 


Astrophel knew what her sister was going to ask before she even processed the fact that they were alone. 

"Ghidorah and Rodan left to have a little chat. Ichi ordered us to stay here and watched over the small queen" she informed, stretching. 

The eldest decided to not ask her siblings if they had heard the voice as well, her not wanting to worry them, especially Nadira. Even though they knew that the only reason that they were there was to kill Ghidorah, Astrophel and her sisters had agreed that they felt that they shouldn't eliminate the golden king.

"Hungy!" a squeaky voice piped, causing Astrophel to look over in Nadira's direction to see Mothra up and crawling around for food. 

Thinking quickly, Astrophel thrusts herself into the air in hopes to see the plant she was looking for. Luckily for her, there were amazonian trees around, some in better condition than others. The female kaiju tore off a couple from the nearest tree available and hurried back to the volcanic area where the others were. 

"What are those?" Hestia raised an eyebrow at the humongous leaves in Astrophel's claws. 

"Amazonian leaves for Mothra, she did say she was hungry" Astrophel replied simply while gently putting the leaves down.

"Food! Thankies!" Mothra squeaked, munching on a leaf while talking. 

Astrophel noticed that the small caterpillar didn't seem to need nor want much except love and food. It made her chuckle, remembering how Ghidorah often treated her as a threat when the child was as dangerous as a human by itself 

"Anything you want to do?" Astrophel questioned once seeing Mothra finish her food. 

"Me sleepy" Mothra yawned, crawling over to the starry dragon. 

Said dragon smiled fondly at her and curled around the small thing.

"Thankies" Mothra cooed sleepily, snuggling close before falling asleep for the night. 

Astrophel was about to just relax and wait when the voice returned, saying something that confused and worried her.

"Such a small reminds me of weak....."

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