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It was a silent, long ride to wherever Ghidorah was taking her. During that time, her scales had begun to fade to gray and her eyes were already back to their glorious golden self, similar to Ghidorah's scales in fact. The way they shone no matter what, how soothing they had felt when they fought, the way it showed off those strong muscles- No! No! STOP THINKING THAT! Astrophel growled as she shook her head, causing Ichi to look over their shoulder at her, his eyes questioning but also somewhat concerned, but only the slightest. The concern faded and went back to being blank as the middle head went back to facing forwards.

'What was that about?' Astrophel asked herself as she felt relieved to have the ability to feel some emotion again, like worry and panic, but at the same time, she hid these feelings from everyone else, especially Ghidorah. The last thing she needed was this hydra knowing that she felt emotions, that she cared about her siblings too much that she would risk anything for them. They were famous for using something just like that as a weakness, which Astrophel wasn't going to allow happen.


After another half hour of silence, the four conscious kaiju (Yes I'm counting Ghidorah as three kaiju), two unconscious ones, and the tiny human boy landed at a dark and dreary cave. Astrophel would laugh at how it reminded her so much like her containment back at Planet X.E if she weren't trying to look blank and soulless. The sound of water dripping from the roof of the cave echoed throughout the void thing, ringing in Astrophel's trained ears and making her ket out a sound between a purr and a grunt.

"This will be you and your companions .....' home' until we find out what to do with you three. We will come by daily to ask questions that you are ordered to answer, there will be someone watching the entrance at all times. You are not by any means to leave for anything if you do so...there will be dire consequences, understood?" he questioned slowly, treating her as if she didn't understand basic English.

Astrophel nodded while curling one of her tails around the small human boy like a mother would with her hatchling. Her gaze then wandered towards the central head of Ghidorah's body and both her and Ichi locked gazes with each other, amber eyes staring into yellow ones. The female was the first one to break away and went back to check on her sisters, ignoring her own battle scars and wounds. Honestly, she was glad to be able to feel pain again, it made her feel more...well she didn't want to say normal, so less like a freak then.

"Thank you" Astrophel quietly but loud enough for Ichi to hear.

He lowered his head so that he could look into her eyes "Your welcome" he whispered before raising his head again, opening their wings and flying out the cave, leaving the girls and the only human on the surface of the earth again alone.

When the sun shines no more (Ghidorah x Ocs)Where stories live. Discover now