The Brits: First Meeting

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The lights of the Arena were dimmed, the music started to play and a blond girl dressed in black started to sing. Calvin Harris had not paid much attention to the show in front of him until he recognized the melody of the song. He loved that song, it had been stuck in his head since it came out. He stopped paying attention to the conversation his friends were having and looked intently to the girl that was performing. She was lovely, the way she carried herself was sexy yet classy, making her a little bit of a mystery for him. He was attracted to her, even though she was the opposite of his type. There was something about her that made him want to meet her.

When the performance finished, Calvin started to look for Ellie. He knew that Ellie was a really good friend with Taylor. He needed her to introduce him to Taylor. He stood up from the table and went to the bar, the first place he expected Ellie to be in. Ellie was in a conversation with her boyfriend when he approached them.

" Ellie!! I need a big favor from you. Like a really big favor" he said with a pleading face. They had been really good friends for a long time, he knew that there was no need for him to beat around the bush.

Ellie laughed when he saw his pleading face " tell me what can I do for you Adam? I mean for you to give me that face it must be really important" she answered making her boyfriend laugh along with her.

"As a matter of fact, yes it is really important... You see... I need you to introduce me to one of your friends" he scratched the back of his neck, he knew he would get teased by Ellie.

"Care to tell me who and why do I need to introduce one of my friends to you?" Ellie was very protective of her friends and even though she knew that Calvin was a great guy, she was a little bit skeptical.

" I need you to introduce me to Taylor Swift" he looked down and blushed.

"someone has a crush on Taylor" Ellie and her boyfriend said in a sing song voice while giggling about it " sure I will introduce her to you at the after party, she is great I'm sure you will like her"

Ellie walked back to her table next to Taylor's and waited for her to come back from the dressing room. She was excited to introduce her to Calvin, the reality was the she always thought they would make a great couple but the timing was never right. Either Calvin was in a relationship or Taylor was not looking for a relationship. Finally tonight she would introduce them and she really thinks that they might hit off.

Taylor returned from her dressing room, and sat on the table. Ellie took the opportunity and sat next to her in a empty chair " hey babe! I know someone that really wants to meet you" Ellie told her with a cheeky smile while Taylor laughed and rolled her eyes.

" Ellie I have told you that I'm not interested in a guy right now" Taylor looked at Ellie while Ellie gave her pleading eyes said " I'm not saying that you will get into a relationship, but give him a chance he is a great guys and I am sure that you will like him"

Taylor knew that Ellie would never introduce her to a jerk or would actually annoy her until she accepted going into a date. She was just asking for a couple of minutes of her time to introduce her to a friend " fine fine... It's ok... Who is it?"

Ellie smiled and kissed her cheek " it's Calvin Harris! See you at the after party babe" and she left.

She arrived at the after party and immediately went to the bar for a glass of champagne. She was nervous and Karlie had convinced her to give the guy a chance. Taylor was nervous, after Ellie told her that Calvin Harris wanted to meet her, she kept looking around trying to find him.

Ellie was talking to Calvin when she found Taylor, she was by Karlie talking to Sam Smith, she seemed relaxed enough and that was what Ellie needed to introduce Calvin to her.

" Adam! Let's go and introduce you to Taylor, she is over there" Ellie said and Calvin followed her. She had changed to a simple black dress but still looked as beautiful as she looked on stage. He followed Ellie and simply stood there while Ellie said hello to Karlie and Sam.

Taylor felt his eyes on her but she tried to ignore them until Ellie made the proper introductions. Ellie turned a looked at Taylor and gave her a sweet smile.

"Tay, Karlie this is Calvin Harris...Calvin, this is Taylor Swift and Karlie kloss" both of them smiled and shook hands while Ellie pointedly said to Karlie and Sam " guys do you want to go with me to look for more champagne?"

It was pretty obvious what Ellie was trying to do, Taylor looked down and blushed while Calvin smirked when Ellie winked at him.

" it's a pleasure to meet you, I am a big fan! Your performance was amazing" he said to her trying to break the awkward silence. He had this line rehearsed but he forgot it. Taylor looked at him and smiled. It was weird having to look up to actually look at him in the eyes.

" thank you! I actually really like the songs you have done with Ellie a John Newman" she smiled at him and he gave her his shy smile. She really liked how he actually was really shy and how he also felt awkward in this situation. She decided to tease him a little bit " actually Ellie told me that you really wanted to meet me"

He blushed but held her gaze, he was fascinated by her eyes, they looked like the gates to all the thoughts that passed by her brain, to all her feelings " yes, I ... I really wanted to meet you because I ... I find you really attractive and intriguing and... After seeing you perform tonight I really wanted to get the chance to meet you"

Taylor blushed and bit her lip, he was being honest. She found him extremely attractive, and there was something that made her want to spend more time with him. She debated over and over inside her head if she should give herself and chance and flirt with him or just shut him down from the beginning. During that debate with herself she looked at his eyes and all the previous reasons to shut him down vanished from her brain. He had these gorgeous eyes and a cute boyish smile that made her melt.

They spent the night talking, he invited her to sit down in one of the sofas on the lounge in which they could talk easier. When the music was loud, he would speak closer to her ear, his breath tickling her and making her flushed. Calvin at some point of the night asked her to call him Adam, his real name. He kept staring at her eyes and sometimes he caught himself staring at her lips.

Suddenly, Taylor's phone buzzed indicating a new message from Karlie. The message read that she was leaving and asked her if she was coming with her. The music was loud at that moment so Taylor said to Calvin's ear " I have to go, it was lovely to meet you Adam" she hugged him and Calvin buried his face on her neck and then kissed her cheek.

"Can I have your phone number?" He asked hopeful. Taylor nodded and took his phone from his hand. After typing her number she kissed his cheek and said to is ear " I hope we see each other again some time"

The morning after Taylor woke up with several messages on her phone, the first one from Ellie

" I hope you had a great time with Adam yesterday. You guys looked really cozy at the party. He is a really nice guy and you know I wouldn't want you to meet with a guy who was a complete jerk"

Taylor smiled and scrolled down to read the other messages, there was one from a number she didn't know, she opened it

" I had a wonderful time with you yesterday. I hope you had a good night of sleep. Have a safe flight home. Adam" making Taylor smile like crazy and bite her lip.


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