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A few days passed and both Calvin and Taylor were back to the States. They were on their way to visit Jamie and little Leo. Taylor had asked Calvin to go with her to visit them as soon as their flight landed. He knew that part of the urge to visit her godson was her fear of being a mother in a few months, but also her maternal instincts coming out . Calvin also wanted to go with her, he figured that if he was comfortable holding and tending to Leo, it wouldn't be much different than when it was time to hold and tend their own baby.

As soon as Taylor knocked on the door Jamie opened it welcoming them. She hugged Taylor and Calvin and invited them to the living room where there was a play pen with Leo in it. Taylor immediately bent down and started to play with the little boy before picking him up and smiling at him.

"Hey baby Leo!" said Taylor in a sweet voice while kissing the baby's head "I have missed you"

Taylor sat down next to Calvin while Jamie went to the kitchen to bring some beverages. Calvin smiled at the little baby that was looking at him with curious eyes. He started to play with the baby's hand and Leo gave him a sweet toothless smile. Calvin looked at Taylor, who was staring right back at him with a small smile and teary eyes. He returned the smile and kissed the side of her head.

Jamie came back with an apologetic smile and three glasses of water " sorry Tay, there wasn't any wine left"

Taylor shook her head a with her free hand took one of the glasses from the coffee table " is ok, I can't drink either way" she said as she looked down to Leo who was yawning.

Jamie's eyes went wide and Taylor registered what she had just said " oh my god! You are... I mean... Are you pregnant?"

Taylor smiled and Adam squeezed her hand gently " yeah, we have our first appointment later today but I am "

Jamie stood up and opened her arms, Taylor gently laid Leo on Calvin's arms and wrapped her arms around Jamie " How far along do you think you are? how are you going to finish the tour?" Jamie was throwing all these questions at her and to be honest Taylor didn't know the answer.

"I will have to slow down the choreography of the tour but I am sure I will be able to finish it. I don't know how far along am I... We think that around two and a half months" Taylor looked over at Calvin to confirm what she was saying but he wasn't paying attention to her or Jamie. He was completely focus on playing with Leo's fingers as the baby fought sleep. Taylor couldn't help but smile. She could picture the same image but with a blond baby that looked like the perfect combination of them.

Jamie followed Taylor's gaze to find the adorable scene, she leaned into Taylor and whispered " look at him, he already looks like the most devoted dad ever"

Taylor gave her a smile and unconsciously placed her hand over her belly. After the shock of the unexpected news wore off, she was actually excited. She had seen up close the suffering Jamie and other friends went through to be able to get pregnant, and there was her who didn't plan it but she was in a position in which she could consider it a gift. They would be alright, she knew that.

Taylor laid in bed with her earphones on, she was listening to the most peaceful sound in the world. One that she hadn't heard until a couple of hours ago. After leaving Jamie's house, they went to the doctors office for their first appointment. The doctor had found their baby's heartbeat and Taylor had recorded it and couldn't stop listening it.

Calvin found her with her eyes closed, her hand gently tracing patterns over her belly and her earphones on. He knew what she was listening to, he had been doing the same a couple of minutes ago. He couldn't get the smile off his face. The concept of having a tiny human being to love and care for was one that had him on cloud nine. He carefully sat on the bed trying to not get noticed by Taylor. He gently started to leave kisses on her still flat stomach.

Taylor opened her eyes and saw him. She placed a hand on his head and ran her fingers through his hair. She took her earphones off to hear what he was saying.

" hey there baby! This is your daddy.
I can't wait to meet you. Please be gentle on your momma, I don't like seeing her sick. I love you so much already" he hadn't noticed that Taylor had been listening to him.

" you are going to be the best dad ever" she spoke gently, her eyes filled with tears of happiness.

" and you are going to be the best mother" he kissed her gently and wrapped her in his arms " when do you think we made this little thing" he asked while caressing her belly.

" the doctor said that around August or September... I like to think that we made it during our vacation in Greece" Taylor thought back to those ten uninterrupted days. She was convinced that it had been during those days.

" we barely left bed those days. They were the best holidays in a long time" he kissed her head.

" apparently, we brought a great souvenir with us" Taylor giggled along with Calvin.

AN: will correct sometime in the future. Please, comment and vote

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