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Taylor had flown to Europe after the VMA, she had 10 days off and so did Calvin. They hadn't seen each other for 10 days and it was driving Taylor crazy. Taylor would meet him at the airport in London and they would flight privately to Greece. Calvin has rented a private village in one of the Greek islands just for them. They really needed the vacation. The past month had been especially difficult since they were practically across the globe from one another. FaceTime and late night calls were their main contact and while they never felt that it was putting a strain in their relationship, it was nothing in comparison with the feeling of holding each other at night. Taylor was waiting for everybody to leave the plane first before exiting the aircraft herself when her phone started to buzz.

"Hey babe, I just landed" Taylor said cheerful, nothing could ruin her mood today.

"Great, I am in the private terminal waiting for you. The plane is ready and waiting for us" Taylor heard Calvin say through the phone.

"I can't wait for the next ten days" Taylor said blushing a little bit.

"I can't either, I hope you didn't pack a lot of clothes"Calvin knew that she would be blushing.

"I ... I will see you in a bit" Taylor hung up the phone and quickly left the plane.

Calvin was waiting for her, he was anxious, he just wanted to hug her and kiss her. It had been way too long for him. He was staring at the door of the private terminal when he saw a tall blond approach it. He got up from his chair and in seconds he had Taylor engulfed in his big arms. Even though Taylor was really tall for him she was small and delicate.

"god! I missed you" Calvin murmured against her head.

"me too ... We have to work a better schedule next time" Taylor said tightening her arms around him.

Calvin broke the embrace and took her face between his hands caressing her cheeks "no more than a week without seeing each other" Taylor nodded and closed the gap between them. It was a tender kiss, but it held the promise of the lust and passion that would be displayed the following ten days.

They sat side by side on the private jet, catching up on the time they hadn't seen each other. 

"I met my godson! Oh god Adam I think I am in love with him ... he is so precious" she explained to him, her eyes sparkled when she talked about Leo. Calvin couldn't help, but think about when they had their own kids. 

"Hey! Do I have competition?" he joked making her giggle. It was his favorite sound in the world. 

"I believe you do. I am in love with Leo. He is so cute and I think I want one, but like in five years" she said seriously to him. 

"I am sure that when the time is right we will have a baby that will make us fall in love with him or her" Calvin said kissing the side of her head. 

"What are we going to do for the next ten days?" Taylor asked changing the topic of the conversation. 

"I think we are going to practice a lot of baby making" Calvin joked again making Taylor blush. 

"That's good because I packed my favorite lingerie" Taylor spoke with a raspy voice surprising him. 

They arrived at their private village and admired the view. It had a perfect view of the island and all its white houses and the ocean. Inside, the village had an infinite pool and hot tube. Their room was white with a queen bed that overlooked the ocean. It couldn't be more beautiful or perfect for their little vacation. 

"I think we are not leaving this village" Calvin whispered into Taylor's ear as she stood by the bed admiring the ocean. 

"I think I wouldn't mind" Taylor said turning around to face Calvin. 

Soon they were too lost on themselves to care about the rest of the world. They knew that this vacation was magical, but they wouldn't find out how magical it was until later. 


AN: this is a short chapter that will have a lot of importance later in the story. 

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