Nashville and Whole Foods

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Two weeks have passed since they last saw each other, and even though Calvin always texted her before going to sleep and when he woke up; It was difficult to try to build a strong foundation for a relationship when seeing each other only happened once every other week.

Taylor laid in bed while her brain started to over think everything that had happened the passed month. She knew that they both liked each other but maybe she was taking it too far. Maybe Calvin wasn't looking for anything too serious and she knew that she couldn't do that. She had opened her mind to love again and just the mere thought of her being nothing else than a fling to Calvin made her sick.

Taylor's thoughts were interrupted by the ringtone of her phone. A incoming FaceTime call from Calvin making her sit up and try to forget about what she had been thinking seconds earlier.

"Hey beautiful!" Calvin smiled to her through the phone. Taylor smiled and said hi back to him but he immediately caught up that something was off.

"Taylor, is something wrong? " he asked concerned. He could see worry in her eyes.

"It's just nothing" Taylor tried to downplay it. But in the short time Calvin and Taylor have known each other Calvin had learned that she has a tendency of not wanting to bother people with her problems.

"Tay... I can see that something is bothering you" he tried to pressure her a little. Taylor sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"It's just that my mind is playing games with me" she said looking at Calvin on the screen. He nodded and encourage her to keep talking " it's just that... I don't know... I am looking too far ahead when you and I are concerned and maybe you are not and I don't want you to feel like I am ..." Taylor spoke quickly, trying to get everything that was running through her head not making any sense.

"Tay! Take a deep breath" he said to her and trying to calm her " let's try again" Calvin said sweetly.

" it's just that I don't know if you and I are on the same page. Let me explain! I like you, a lot, and I can see this... Whatever it is that we have going on, turning into something... But I don't know if it is the same for you. I come with so many things... Everyone is going to talk about whatever it is that we have... And I don't know if it is worth it for you... Especially if you don't..." Taylor tried to explain all her concerns but Calvin interrupted her.

" you think that you are not worth it?" He said surprised " Taylor even if you were just a girl that I just considered a fling, something just to have fun with, you would be worth whatever it is that comes with you" he said to the phone.

There was a long pause before Calvin started to talk again " you know... I only care about what you and I think... If we are going somewhere with this thing that we have, the only people that matter are you and me... No one else"

Taylor smiled softly at him " thank you, I know that I over think things a lot"

Calvin gave her a sweet smile " so I was calling because some things got cancelled and I am actually free this weekend... So can we see each other?" He gave her a shy smile and she giggled.

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