Looking Back, Looking Forward

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AN: First I am REALLY SORRY for not updating sooner but I have a very good excuse. You see, in the past 3 months I have moved from San Francisco to Chicago and the from Chicago to New York. The past couple of weeks have been hectic and I didn't have time to write at all. Sooo, that is why I haven't updated but I will try to update a regular as possible.


The TV was on and the house was dark. Taylor was on the sofa of the living room watching Friends reruns. She wasn't really paying attention to the show, it was her way of shutting off her brain. It had been a long day of meetings and she just wanted to cuddle on the sofa with her cats and rest. It would have been better if Calvin had been there, but in the few messages that they had exchanged during the day it was clear that they both were busy. The last text she received was two hours ago, he was asking her if she had arrived home safely and that he was stuck in the studio for at least two more hours. Suddenly her phone lit up and a message from Calvin appeared on the screen.

From: Adam

What do you think about Chinese take out at your house?

Taylor smiled, she loved that he always knew what she was wishing. She loved that he understood that after a long day she just wanted to hang out at her house in her yoga pants and his t-shirt.

To: Adam

It sounds amazing. See you in a bit.

Taylor was absentmindedly petting dibbles as she watched TV, she was so distracted that she didn't notice Calvin standing by the wall watching her. For him watching her with her glasses on and his shirt had an extremely calming effect. The day on the studio had been really busy, the song at the beginning was not turning out to be as he wanted. He kept thinking about Taylor and what she was doing making it even harder to concentrate. She was distracting yet she was what kept him focused. The day might have not been the best but the thought of going to her place to have dinner and lay in bed next to each other made him focus in what was important. He decided to walk over to her and let her know that he arrived.

"Hey babe!" he kissed the side of her head making her jump a little bit " dinner is on the kitchen, do you wanna eat here or at the table?" he asked kneeling besides her and kissing her properly. Olivia found a way between their bodies and cuddled into Calvin making them break contact.

" I think here will be great babe" Taylor got up and walked to the kitchen to bring the food to the living room " how was your day?"

Calvin sat down on the sofa and waited for her to do the same " it felt like it was never going to end" he sighed " it also happens that thinking about you is really distracting "

Taylor stuck her tongue out at him " what can I do? I happen to be very distracting" Calvin shook his head and gave her a silly smile.

" what about your day? Anything interesting?" He asked her as he fed her a dumpling

" just plain business stuff. I was so bored. It was like being in math class in high school but this time I didn't have anyone to gossip with" she spoke while rolling her eyes.

" I can picture you in math class. Curly hair, jeans and writing songs instead of paying attention to class" Calvin could really picture her, he had loved when he went to her parents house and Andrea showed him baby pictures of her.

" I am still trying to figure out how the hell I graduated. I didn't pay attention at all in classes" Taylor finished eating her last dumpling and grabbed the fortune cookies that were on the table " Let's see what these say"

Calvin took one from her hands and arranged himself on the sofa so Taylor could cuddle with him. Calvin cracked open the his and read the message.

" Love is always first" Calvin read at loud and kissed the back of Taylor's head " what happened with your past relationships? what seemed to always go wrong?"

Taylor thought for a minute, she knew that this type of conversations were important. She knew that it was important for him also. Calvin had always taken care of his relationships.

" Many things you know, one I just ended it because it was toxic and was messing with my head, the last one was just too much pressure from everyone outside, too much hate, and at the end he didn't want anything serious. The worst was one in which I am pretty sure he was ashamed of me. Like he didn't want people to know that we were dating. I gave him everything, my time, my innocence, my everything but at the end it wasn't enough" Taylor looked at him, he was deep in thought. She caressed his chin " What about yours?"

Calvin ran his fingers down her arms and hugged her closer to him " I can't believe that someone was ashamed of being with you" he paused as Taylor just kissed his neck in response to his previous statement " For me, well the last one wasn't going anywhere so I think that we both knew that at some point it would end. The one before, I was cheated on. I really cared about her and it hurt that it ended that way you know but I think things happen for a reason and I am okay with that. Before that I had a really long relationship but we just kind of grew apart"

They stayed silent for a couple of minutes " you know, when you first sent me the flowers I did a lot of thinking. I think I had to talk to my friends about a dozen times before I convinced myself that maybe we could have a relationship" Taylor said to Calvin.

"I know, you have no idea how many talks Ellie gave me. She basically kept saying that you had a rough past with love and that you probably weren't that interested" Calvin kissed her head " thanks god I didn't listen to her that much and kept talking to you" Taylor laughed along with him.

"How do you see yourself in like 5 years, you will be 30" he asked her.

Taylor thought about it for a moment he views on everything changed so dramatically ever since she started going out with Calvin.

" I think maybe married and thinking about having kids, slowing down a little bit with my music and focusing on family" she said losing herself a little bit inside her head. Calvin was staring at her, he could picture everything she said " what about you?" Taylor asked him making him break his train of thoughts.

" I would like to get married in like a couple of years top and have some time, a year or two, to enjoy married life but definitely kids. My sister and brother have kids and I love them. I also watch how they are everything for my siblings. I would really like that" Calvin paused for a moment, he knew that maybe it was really early but he needed to say it "I can picture all that future with you" he paused again trying to figure out her reaction. He could see that Taylor had a small smile on her face and her eyes looked like they were daydreaming " I can picture us on our wedding day and how beautiful you would look in your dress. I can picture you holding a mini Taylor while I have a two year old that looks like the perfect combination of the two of us" he was talking with a big smile on his face while he pulled Taylor closer to him " Can you picture all that Tay?"

Taylor turned a little bit in his arms and kissed him softly and cuddled into him " I do Adam, I can see all that. I feel so secure and so loved with you. I want all that with you" She kissed him again.

They spent the rest of the night talking about possibilities and the future. Even though there was nothing set on stone, they both knew that this was the first of many conversations about what was about to come.


AN: I was inspired by an article that I read in Glamour about them planning on moving together, It is probably false but I found it cute. I will be skipping some time so the story can develop better.

Spelling check for the whole story coming some time this week. I just wanted to post this for you guys. 

Let me know what you think,


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