Easter and Meeting the Family

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" So, I wanted to see if you could make it back to Nashville for Easter... Austin is coming from Notredame so it will be the perfect time to have the whole family together" Andrea spoke over the phone to Taylor. Taylor was in her apartment in New York making dinner for her friends that were coming over that night.

"Yes, that would be awesome... Is the whole family coming?" Taylor asked while stirring a pot. She wanted to ask if it was ok for her to bring a plus one. She wanted Calvin to meet her parents and for Calvin to see her with the people that mattered the most to her.

"I don't know honey... I am calling them after we finish talking and will see" Taylor nodded while still thinking about asking her mom if she could bring Calvin.

" mom... Would you mind if I brought someone with me?" Taylor asked, she turned off the stove and walked over to the living room. She sat on the sofa with Olivia.

" you know I don't mind honey... Which of your friends are you bringing?" Andrea asked innocently, not remembering that Taylor was seeing someone.

" Actually... I was hoping to introduce Adam to you guys..." Just the thought of Adam at her parents' house in Nashville made her smile.

"Oh... Sure Taylor we would love to meet him. Are you guys in a relationship or just dating?" Taylor giggled at the not so casual way her mother tried to get some more information.

"we are in a relationship" Taylor said as she petted dibbles.

"Oh that great baby... Sure bring him over, your dad and I would love to meet him"

Taylor had just gotten ready to sleep, she had no make up and her glasses on. She was about to call Calvin, it was weird that he hadn't call her just before bedtime. Before she had a chance his name appeared on the screen.

"Hey babe!" Taylor smiled at the camera of her phone.

"Hello beautiful! How are you?" He asked her as he saw her on the screen. She was more beautiful with her face washed and with her glasses on " you look lovely" he told her.

She smiled at him " yeah sure silly. I bet I look lovely with my glasses on"

Calvin smiled "you look beautiful as always. How was your day?"

Taylor laid in bed " nothing too interesting... Apparently my mom wants a little family get together for Easter" she paused and looked hesitant.

"What about it babe?" Calvin asked. He learned how to read her so easily. She knew she was nervous about something.

" well ... I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the gathering ... To meet my parents..." Taylor said quickly looking down.

Calvin smiled " do you want me to meet the family? I would love to" he said making Taylor look up to the screen and gave him a big smile.

" you are awesome, did you know that?" She told him softly.

" I have been told... I am great aren't I?" He said jokingly making Taylor smile.

"You are such a dork!" Taylor stuck her tongue out to him.

Taylor was anxiously waiting for the phone call indicating that he had arrived. She wanted to pick him up but he said that he would arrive to her apartment. She felt her phone buzz with a text from Calvin

"Just arrived at the airport, I'll be there in about 45 minutes"

She smiled and started walking upstairs to get everything in order for when he arrived. Calvin opened the door of the apartment and dropped his bag on the entrance.

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