Rhode Island

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The plane was quiet, Taylor's head laid on Calvin's shoulder. They had been on the plane for 2 hours, they had decided to spend their three day weekend in Rhode Island. Actually, Clavin had insisted in spending the weekend in Rhode Island. After saying that he wanted a weekend without paparazzi in which he could kiss her carelessly on the beach, Taylor had agreed that the best place was Rhode Island.

Calvin could feel the little box that was in the pocket of his bluejeans. He had debated between placing it in his luggage or carrying it with him. He decided on the later, afraid that Taylor might look for something in his bag and find the box.

He knew that she would probably say yes, after their conversations about their future together, Calvin had no doubt about her being the one. Still, he was nervous. He wanted for the proposal to be exactly everything she deserved. Calvin knew that Taylor deserved nothing but the best, and he was trying really hard to give her the most romantic and intimate proposal she could hope for.

Taylor stirred a little under Calvin's movement. Calvin cursed to himself, he was trying really hard to let her sleep. He knew that she was feeling a little bit under the weather, the almost non stop touring finally taking a toll on her. He planned on spending the whole weekend after the proposal cuddling in bed, letting her recover a little bit before getting back to reality.

Calvin kept his gaze on Taylor, he couldn't believe that in less than 6 hours she would become his fiancée. They had been together for less than a year, but now Calvin couldn't picture his life without her. She was everything he hoped to find in a woman and more. She was the kind of girl that he would proudly take home to meet his parents. Not that she didn't know them, the Skype and FaceTime calls had made their meeting possible, but he couldn't wait to call his mom to tell her that he had gotten engaged. Even though they had spoken briefly several times, he knew that his mom adored Taylor. She always asked about her and about how things were going with them.

" how long until we get there?" Taylor mumbled against his chest.

Calvin kissed her head and whispered quietly " go back to sleep babe, we still have more than an hour to go"

Taylor cuddled further into Calvin " mmmmhh... I'm so tired"

He tightened his embrace around her " I know, we will rest all weekend"

Calvin stared at Taylor as she slept, remembering the times when he thought that maybe Taylor could be the one.

It was the morning after Easter, Taylor's parents had insisted for them to sleep on their house instead of having them drive back to Taylor's apartment. Calvin had insisted on sleeping on the guest room instead of sleeping with her in her bedroom. Calvin had been awake for half an hour when he heard the door of the guest room open.

Calvin felt a couple of arms wrap around him and whisper to his ear " morning"

He turned around and kissed her forehead " morning Tay"

Taylor cuddled further and asked him " coffee?" He smiled and nodded. There was no need for more words, both of them comfortable in silence. He never felt so comfortable by just being with someone else. It was a new feeling that Calvin didn't want to get rid off, he wanted to feel it for the rest of his life.

Taylor felt the bump of the wheels of the plane hitting the pavement, making her wake up. She looked up and found Calvin staring at her " You look tired, did you sleep at all?" Taylor asked kissing his cheek.

Calvin shook his head " I couldn't fall asleep" he grabbed Taylor's hand and kissed it " Let's go, the car is already waiting for us"

As they got closer to the house Calvin grew nervous. He wanted to everything to be perfect. He knew that Taylor would probably say yes but what if she said no. What if she really wanted to wait the two years. He tried to stop his mind from over thinking. She knew it was coming, they had discussed it several times for the last couple months. She was always excited to talk about the topic so he couldn't come up with a reason for her to say no.

Taylor opens the door of the house and quickly goes towards the stair to take the luggage up.

"Babe, why don't you pour us some wine while I take the bags upstairs?" Calvin asked her. Taylor simply nodded.

In the master bedroom Calvin left the bags and double checked that he had the ring on his pocket. He looked out the window and saw the lights coming from the beach. He took a deep breath, to say he was nervous was an understatement. The whole situation made him nervous, he wanted everything to be what she always imagined because Taylor deserved nothing but the best. With one last breath Calvin turned off his phone, patted the back pocket of his jean and started to walk downstairs. 

Taylor sat by the sofa with both glasses of wine on the coffee table in front of her. She didn't feel Calvin enter the room until he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Babe let's go outside to see the stars" Calvin spoke quietly, not wanting to break the peaceful aura that surrounded both of them. 

Taylor walked outside and was about to take a seat when Calvin called her "babe, come over here! the sky is beautiful from this view" 

Taylor walked over, and the closer she got she started to see a glowing light coming from the beach beneath them. When she was close enough she realized that the glow was coming from candles that were placed on the sand. The candles were spelling the worlds that she only dared to dream of hearing "Will you marry me?"

Taylor felt her eyes watering as she looked at the beach, when she turned her gaze to the side she couldn't see Calvin. She finally turned around and saw that he terrace was actually illuminated by candles, giving it a really romantic and intimate feeling. 

"Taylor, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest person in the world by spending the rest of your life with me?" Calvin asked as he opened the small red box. The ring being the exact copy of the ring she had described to Ellie in past conversations. 

"oh my god!" Taylor whispered over and over. She was actually in shock. When Calvin had suggested for them to go to Rhode Island for the weekend, she never imagined that he had planned this " oh my god, yes Adam! of course yes! I'll marry you" she said while jumping onto Calvin. 

Calvin got up and wrapped Taylor in his arms in a tight embrace. Taylor wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. He laughed softly into the kiss making Taylor finally break it. Taylor rested her forehead against his and smiled while whispering to him "I love you".

The next day Calvin woke up to find Taylor admiring the ring "good morning fiancee" he said while kissing her shoulder.

"I can't believe that we are engaged!" Taylor laughed cutely and threw her arms around Calvin.

"I know! I have been trying to find the right time for like a month" he explained.

"It was perfect!" Taylor exclaimed " I have to call my mom! and I have to tell my friends" She said hurriedly. 

"We have time, let's just stay in our bubble for a little bit more" Calvin said while kissing Taylor making her forget.


AN: I hope you like it! Please vote and comment!

Sorry for any spelling errors, I am half asleep while posting it.

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