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They have been dating for seven months, some people might find too soon, but Calvin thought otherwise. He knew that he had found the right person in Taylor. He tried several times to find a reason why he shouldn't go forward with his plan, but he couldn't come up with anything. The thought of taking their relationship to the next level had been on his mind ever since he first brought it up in a conversation a couple of months ago. At that time he had said two years, but he just couldn't wait any longer. They could have a long engagement if Taylor wanted, but he had to make it official. Calvin tried his best to think about a friend that could help him with the necessary things to make their engagement perfect, after a long while he remembered the person who had planned this from the beginning.

"Ellie! I need a huge favor from you" he said as soon as Ellie picked up the phone, forgetting about the pleasantries.

"What can I do for you mate?" Ellie was curious, usually when Calvin called he didn't sound so rushed.

"I need you to find out which ring size Taylor is" Calvin said looking around making sure that Taylor had not arrived from lunch with Gigi.

"Oh my god! You guys are getting engaged? You will have to thank me in your wedding speech or name you firstborn after me" Ellie replied jokingly.

"I hope that you can help me out with the whole thing" Calvin ignored her jokes. He was nervous and he still had so much to do.

"Do you know which ring are you getting her?" Ellie started to question Calvin "Did you ask her dad yet? Do you know when are you proposing?"

Calvin cursed under his breath, he had forgotten about asking Scott. Now he really was nervous. Scott was a really great guy and had a wonderful relationship with him, but he could imagine that asking for his daughter's hand in marriage was a completely different thing.

"No, I haven't done anything Ellie. Could you please help me find out Taylor's ring size while I arrange a meeting with Scott?" Calvin rubbed his forehead while making a mental list about the things he needed to do.

Calvin arrived at the place where Scott was supposed to meet him. His hands were sweating and he just wanted to get over with this and start to look for the ring. He saw Scott approaching and stood up to shake his hand.

"Adam! Nice to see you" Scott said while shaking Calvin's hand. He could tell he was nervous "I think I know what this conversation will be about, let's have a seat"

They ordered lunch and Scott waited for Calvin to talk.

"so... Mmm... The reason I wanted to meet with you as soon as possible is that ... I want to ask Taylor to marry me and ... I know how important you guys are for her and it would mean a lot to me to have your blessing" Calvin spoke as calmly as he could. His hands trembling and sweating.

"you know that the only opinion that matters here is Taylor's ... But ... With that said, Andrea and I saw it coming and we couldn't be happier with the person Taylor chose to share her life with ... So you can breath now Adam, you have our blessing" Scott smiled at Calvin as he released a breath that he didn't know was holding .

Calvin took another deep breath and Scott laughed at him "how difficult was it?" The older man asked clearly amused by Calvin's actions.

"difficult enough, I was thinking about what I would do if you said no" Calvin spoke as the waiter placed their food on the table.

"it is hard to see your little girl grow up and get married ... You will find out when you have a child, specially if you have a girl ... But all I care about is that she is happy and she seems really happy with you" Scott said to him. Calvin had a soft smile on his face, the thought of having a daughter that wraps her tiny hand around his finger crossing his mind.

Ellie and Taylor were having coffee at her house, she was trying really hard to find a way of figuring out Taylor's ring size.

"So how are things going with Adam?" Ellie asked as Taylor sipped on her coffee.

"It's going really great, we never thanked you Ellie, but we really appreciate that you introduced us" Taylor said sincerely to Ellie.

"Couldn't be happier about it! Things getting serious between you two?" Ellie probed a little bit. She wanted to make sure that Adam and Taylor were on the same page.

"I think so ... We basically live together, I think we will move together after I finish touring. He is definitely the one ..." Taylor spoke with a gentle smile on her face.

"That's so great!! I love that you guys are getting serious ... Oh my god imagine your kids!!! They will be so tall" Ellie exclaimed excited to which Taylor laughed.

"Ellie, we are moving together not getting married! Adam and I talked about it and he wants to get married in about two years" Ellie laughed internally, Taylor was really going to be surprised.

"oh you guys already talked about it! So cute! How do you want your engagement ring to be? I know that I want mine to be really simple. Gold with a single rock, it would have to be size eight" Ellie tried to get information out of Taylor.

"I want it to be white gold with maybe one diamond with several smaller ones around it ... It would have to be smaller than yours I think ... Size seven since most of my rings are that size" Taylor murmured as she daydreamed about the day that was closer than she thought.

Taylor was getting ready to go to bed while Calvin was on their bed with his laptop. In the bathroom while taking off her contact lenses Taylor remembered that she didn't close the backyard door "babe, can you go downstairs and close the door of the backyard? I forgot to do it"

Taylor finished getting ready and sat on their bed. Calvin's laptop opened on a Tiffany page that displayed engagement rings. Taylor gasped a little. He had said two years, but he was looking at rings.

"Tay what are you doing?" Calvin asked when he saw her eyes open wide looking at the screen of his computer. He had to come up with an excuse really fast, he knew that he had left the page open.

"Why are you looking at engagement rings?" She whispered.

"I was actually looking for your birthday present, but left the page open on the ring section it seems" he said as convincingly as he could. Taylor seemed to believe him and nodded.

"Do you want to watch a movie before going to sleep?" He asked Taylor as he sat next to her on the bed.

"Can we watch brides war?" Taylor asked him with a cheeky smile blushing a little. Calvin laughed and kissed her head while looking for the movie on his computer.

During the wedding scene Calvin didn't realize that he thought at loud "you will be a beautiful bride"

Taylor's breath stopped and she just couldn't help, but smile and kiss his cheek "you are really thinking about weddings today ... Don't think I really bought the "I am looking for you birthday present" thing"

Calvin gave her a sheepish smile and Taylor pecked his lips "what happened to the whole two years thing?" She asked

"I don't know it just seems pointless to wait two years ... It's going to happen, that's all I will tell you, but it will still surprise you" Calvin said while kissing her forehead.

"I'm in no rush, I know that when you do it, the whole thing will be perfect" Taylor snuggled closer to him.

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