In Sickness

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Taylor was in Asia a few days earlier than needed so she wouldn't suffer from JetLag during her shows. But she couldn't believe that the day before her show she had gotten sick. It was really annoying for Taylor because she didn't feel that bad but then she would throw up several times for a short period of time. At first, Taylor thought it was food poisoning but now she wasn't so sure about it.

She had tried to hide it from Calvin but during one FaceTime call she had to run to the bathroom. So now she was waiting for Calvin's plane to land. He had cancelled his studio sessions for the following week, Taylor had told him not to do so, but Calvin could see how miserable she was feeling. Taylor laid in bed, trying to rest as much as she could before the concerts of the following dates, she was extremely tired, between being sick and the JetLag she felt that like she would have a breakdown at any moment. Her backup singers were worried about her, one of them was sitting on her bead caressing her hair while they both waited for Calvin to arrive.

" for how long have you been feeling this tired Tay?" She asked while playing with Taylor's head.

"I think that for over a month, month and a half... I think it's the touring but I am starting to think that there might actually be something else wrong with me" Taylor responded closing her eyes again. She was still feeling nauseous.

"Babe, are you sure you aren't pregnant?" At this question Taylor's eyes shot open.

" I ... I shouldn't be... I mean I got a depo shot" Taylor said, she was getting slightly panicked.

"Babe, when was your last period? You know no contraceptive is 100% accurate" her back up singer stroked her hair.

" I usually don't get my period because of the shot, it is common for it to stop... Oh my god! I can't be pregnant" Taylor said her eyes full of worry.

Calvin entered the room and found Taylor still on her bed with her back up singer slowly caressing her hair. She had finally fallen asleep after a lot of worrying.

"How is she?" Calvin asked softly, he wanted to let her sleep as much as he could.

"She is really tired but she hasn't thrown up since I got here" the singer said while getting up and slowly walking towards the door.

Two hours later, Taylor woke up in Calvin's arms. She needed to tell him about her suspicions but she didn't know how. She was freaking out herself, so much that she was getting anxious again.

"Hey Tay! How are you feeling?" He asked her softly.

She cuddled further into his arms and mumbled against his shirt " I'm nauseous... I have something to tell you"

Calvin looked at her with a worried face and stroked her hair " what's wrong? you are worried" he spoke.

"I think .... I think I might... I think I'm pregnant" she whispered looking at him in the eyes.

For Taylor time stood still, she was really petrified. For her, this was twist in her life. She had planned her whole life being the control freak that she was. She had imagined getting married first, then in a couple of years having kids, but now everything was out of order.

Calvin looked at her, he knew that she was terrified, he could see it in her eyes. He knew that as the big control freak that she was, this was taking everything out of control. He was shocked, his head just couldn't grasp the concept that there was a small human being inside of his fiancée.

"babe... How sure are you?" He asked. He ran his fingers through her hair in a attempt to bring her back to the present.

"I... I'm not sure ... I didn't think about it until one of my back up singers said that I might be pregnant... Like I took my depo shot but maybe it didn't work ... But the signs are there, I've been tired, like unusually tired but I just thought that it was the touring but now I'm vomiting and ..." Taylor started to ramble. Her mind going a hundred miles a minute.

"Babe ... Babe ... Calm down ... Breathe!" Calvin said softly to Taylor " let's go and have the doctor you take on tours check on you ... We need to find out for sure if you are"

He could see how pale she looked, and before he could say anything she got out of his arms and ran to the bathroom. Calvin could hear the sound of Taylor throwing up as he got closer to the bathroom. He grabbed her phone that was by the bedside table and looked for the doctor's number.

Taylor opened the door and was soon wrapped in Calvin's arms. He kissed her forehead and walked them to the bed.

"I'm scared Adam, how are we going to manage a child? We are not even married yet! We said that we would wait a few years before having kids. Now ... Everything is messed up" she spoke quickly, her mind again working a thousand miles per minute.

"Tay... Taylor look at me! I know we can make it. I'm sure that you will be a beautiful, wonderful mother. I know that this changes everything but maybe this is the way it is supposed to be. I'm scared too, I thought we had a couple of years left before even thinking about having kids, but if you are pregnant we will be fine" Calvin spoke slowly not breaking eye contact with her. He needed to calm her down " I called the doctor, she should come around in about 10 mins"

Taylor nodded and embraced Calvin in a strong hug. Calvin just kept whispering " it'll be ok, you will be a great mother, we will do our best"

A light knock on the door caught their attention making them break their embrace. Taylor sat down on the bed while Calvin opened the door.

"Well ... What seems to be the problem Taylor?" The doctor asked as she sat on a chair facing Taylor.

" I think I ... I might be pregnant" Taylor said quickly.

The doctor frowned and looked at the laptop she had brought along with her "didn't you take the shot in August?"

Taylor quickly nodded her head. The doctor nodded and quickly wrote down some things.

"We have to do a test to determine whether or not you are pregnant, so go to the bathroom, I'm pretty sure you can figure what to do with this" the doctor said handing Taylor a plastic cup.

While Taylor was in the bathroom Calvin had some questions for the doctor " how is it possible? If she is how far along is she? The baby would be alright ? I mean, she has drunk alcohol"

The doctor gave him a light smile " Adam ... If she is pregnant it means that the depo shot never took effect but I would suggest that you guys got pregnant around September, because Taylor's last shot was around middle of August" the doctor spoke while looking at the information on the screen of her laptop " and for the alcohol, I am sure that Taylor hasn't gotten drunk so the baby should be fine. But if she is pregnant, she has to go get a doctor's appointment as soon as we are back in the States"

Taylor walked out of the bathroom and sat on Calvin's lap as they waited for the doctor to confirm their suspicion. The doctor got out of the bathroom and gave them a bright smile "you are indeed pregnant, congratulations"

Calvin kissed Taylor's head and wrapped her arms tightly around her middle, even though he was scared, he was also really happy. Taylor in the other hand had tears running down her face, the tears were a mix of happiness and anxiety, she was shocked.

Taylor wiped her tears and asked the doctor " is there anything I have to change from the routine? Should I change my eating habits?" now that she knew she was pregnant she had to make sure that she was doing everything right.

That night Taylor and Calvin were looking at each other in bed. There was no talking, they were processing the events of the day. After a while Calvin knelt down and started to kiss Taylor's stomach, still there was no talking. Taylor just stared at him as he gently kissed her belly.

After a while Calvin kissed her forehead and her lips " I know this wasn't in the immediate plans but I love you and I love our child. You will be a amazing mother" he kissed her lips again and Taylor gave him a big smile.

To be corrected for grammar and spelling errors

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