The Feeling

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Taylor was up on the stage performing, Calvin really didn't know the song, in fact he didn't know any of the songs, but he knew that it was totally worth it. To see her on stage, where she belongs, so happy and confident did things to him. He remembered the first time he saw her on stage, at the Brits, he knew that he had to meet her, that she had some kind of power over him. Now, he knew that asking Ellie to introduce him to Taylor had been the best decision. He was utterly fascinated by her, she had a particular way in which she carries herself that made her a mystery, one that he was for sure enjoying resolving.

As Taylor performed, Calvin was hypnotized. His eyes full of pride, this was the woman that had captured his heart. As he saw her upstage he realized that he was falling in love with her. He realized that he had strong feelings towards her, that the deep connection he felt when they met for the first time had slowly turned into romantic feelings. He didn't know if she felt that way but Calvin knew that tonight something had changed. After the outbreak of doubts about them that Taylor had two days ago and his recent realization Calvin knew that he had to make her understand where he stood. He had to make her understand that he was serious about her.

Taylor got down from the stage and went to the sound booth where Calvin had been watching the show. She walked to him and hugged him, forgetting about the people around them " you looked amazing up there" Calvin whispered to her making her smile at him " thank you Adam" she said as she broke their embrace and looked towards the stage to continue to see the show.

Her back was to his front and Calvin couldn't help himself and wrap his arms around her waist. She leaned her head on his shoulder while softly singing the words to every song. He was struggling to control himself, he wanted to kiss her and let everybody know that he was with this amazing woman. Taylor looked at him to find him looking down at her. She placed a kiss on his cheek and he couldn't help but place a kiss on her neck. Taylor's breath became heavy as his lips came in contact with her neck. He kept giving her light kisses to her neck and behind her ear and Taylor struggled and finally failed at containing a moan "Adam, as much as I want you to keep doing that, you need to stop" she said breathless and Calvin chuckled. Taylor gave him a playful slap on his arm and stuck her tongue out.

Before the last song Taylor turned around " we should head out so we don't get stuck in traffic on the way back home" he nodded and grabbed her hand. They started walking towards the parking lot. They got into the car and Taylor's security started to drive towards the house. Calvin grabbed her hand and caressed it with his thumb back and forth. He was deep in thought, thinking about the best way to bring up his new realization. Taylor looked at him and saw him deep in thoughts so she leaned over and kissed his cheek

" A penny for your thoughts?" She said to him, making Calvin regain focus on the present.

He shook his head and gave her a calm smile "I was just thinking" he then kissed her temple.

They arrived to Taylor's apartment and Calvin immediately walked to the kitchen " want a glass of wine?" He asked her over his shoulder.

Taylor took off her heels and sat on the sofa with her feet up in the coffee table " yes please. White" she said to him.

He sat down next to her and handed her the glass. Calvin placed an arm around Taylor's shoulder " babe, I have been meaning to talk to you about something?" He spoke calmly while stroking Taylor's arm.

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